97 const JPDF_t::JSupervisor supervisor(
new JPDF_t::JDefaultResult(
98 const JPDF_t2::JSupervisor supervisor2(
new JPDF_t2::JDefaultResult(
100 for (
int i = 0;
i) {
107 const string file_name =
getFilename(fileDescriptor, pdf_t[
"loading PDF from file " << file_name <<
"... " << flush);
113 pdf.
121 pdf2.
137 for (
int i = 1;
i += 2) {
139 npe[
i ].add(npe[
143 npe[
145 npe2[
i ].
149 npe2[
172 double ct = U.getDot(
D) /
176 const double z =
177 const double x =
D.getX() - z * shower.
178 const double y =
D.getY() - z * shower.
179 const double cosDelta = z/
181 U.rotate(JRotation3Z(-atan2(
183 const double theta = U.getTheta();
184 const double phi = fabs(U.getPhi());
186 double H0 = getH0(pmt.
187 double H1 = getH1(
D.getLength(), ct, cosDelta, theta, phi,
190 if (H1 >= Vmax_npe) {
196 const bool hit = pmt.
getN() != 0;
199 return estimator->getRho(
208 double getH0(
const double R_Hz)
228 const double cosDelta,
233 const double Y)
238 for (
int i = 0;
i != (NUMBER_OF_PDFS-1); ++
i) {
240 if (!npe[
i].empty() && D <= npe[
i].getXmax() && !npe2[
i].empty() && D <= npe2[
i].getXmax()) {
247 P_em = fabs(Eem) * npe[
i](std::max(D, npe[
i].getXmin()), cosDelta, theta, phi);
249 P_h = fabs(Eh) * npe2[
i](std::max(D, npe2[
i].getXmin()), ct);
259 ERROR(error << std::endl);
270 static const int NUMBER_OF_PDFS = 4;
JTOOLS::JSplineFunction1S_t JFunction1D_t
Template definition of a data regressor of given model.
JRegressor(const std::string &fileDescriptor)
Parameterized constructor.
void load(const char *file_name)
Load from input file.
General purpose data regression method.
double getR() const
Get rate.
This include file containes various data structures that can be used as specific return types for the...
Auxiliary class for handling PMT geometry, rate and response.
scattered light from EM shower
const JDirection3D & getDirection() const
Get direction.
JLANG::JSharedPointer< JMEstimator > estimator
M-Estimator function.
double getEem() const
Get EM energy.
JPHYSICS::JPDFTable< JFunction1D_t, JMapList_t2 > JPDF_t2
double getH1(const double D, const double ct, const double cosDelta, const double theta, const double phi, const double Eem, const double Eh, const double Y) const
Get signal hypothesis value for time integrated PDF.
static const JZero zero
Function object to assign zero value.
direct light from bright point
then fatal Wrong number of arguments fi set_variable STRING $argv[1] set_variable DETECTORXY_TXT $WORKDIR $DETECTORXY_TXT tail read X Y CHI2 RMS printf optimum n $X $Y $CHI2 $RMS awk v Y
Definition of zero value for any class.
double getH0(const double R_Hz) const
Get background hypothesis value for time integrated PDF.
double operator()(const JShowerEH &shower, const JPMTW0 &pmt) const
Fit function.
double getDY() const
Get y direction.
Various implementations of functional maps.
Numbering scheme for PDF types.
void add(const JNPETable &input)
Add NPE table.
The template JSharedPointer class can be used to share a pointer to an object.
JPHYSICS::JNPETable< double, double, JNPEMapList_t2 > JNPE_t2
multifunction_t::result_type result_type
static JTimeRange T_ns
Time window with respect to Cherenkov hypothesis [ns].
static double Vmax_npe
Maximal integral of PDF [npe].
direct light from EM shower
JTOOLS::JMapList< JTOOLS::JPolint0FunctionalMap, JTOOLS::JMapList< JTOOLS::JPolint0FunctionalMap, JTOOLS::JMapList< JTOOLS::JPolint0FunctionalGridMap, JTOOLS::JMapList< JTOOLS::JPolint0FunctionalGridMap > > > > JPDFMaplist_t
JTOOLS::JMAPLIST< JTOOLS::JPolint1FunctionalMap, JTOOLS::JPolint1FunctionalGridMap >::maplist JNPEMapList_t2
const JPosition3D & getPosition() const
Get position.
General purpose messaging.
scattered light from bright point
const JVersor3Z & getDirection() const
Get direction.
Data structure for fit of straight line in positive z-direction with energy.
virtual const char * what() const override
Get error message.
JPHYSICS::JNPETable< double, double, JNPEMaplist_t > JNPE_t
double getEh() const
Get Hadronic energy.
double getBy() const
Get bjorken y.
int getN() const
Get number of hits.
Auxiliary class to define a range between two values.
Simple fit method based on Powell's algorithm, see reference: Numerical Recipes in C++...
double getDX() const
Get x direction.
std::string getFilename(const std::string &file_name)
Get file name part, i.e. part after last JEEP::PATHNAME_SEPARATOR if any.
JPHYSICS::JPDFTable< JFunction1D_t, JPDFMaplist_t > JPDF_t
Data structure for position in three dimensions.
Data structure for normalised vector in three dimensions.
JTOOLS::JMAPLIST< JTOOLS::JPolint1FunctionalMap, JTOOLS::JPolint1FunctionalGridMap >::maplist JMapList_t2
double getChi2(const double P)
Get chi2 corresponding to given probability.
Abstract class for global fit method.
do echo Generating $dir eval D
Maximum likelihood estimator (M-estimators).
JTOOLS::JMapList< JTOOLS::JPolint0FunctionalMap, JTOOLS::JMapList< JTOOLS::JPolint0FunctionalMap, JTOOLS::JMapList< JTOOLS::JPolint0FunctionalGridMap, JTOOLS::JMapList< JTOOLS::JPolint0FunctionalGridMap > > > > JNPEMaplist_t
JTOOLS::JRange< double > JTimeRange
Type definition for time range (unit [s]).