5 #SBATCH --job-name=my_job_name # Job name
6 #SBATCH --output=/my_directory_for_the_log_err_files/myjob.log # Standard output log
7 #SBATCH --error=/my_directory_for_the_log_err_files/myjob.err # Standard error log
9 #SBATCH --partition=htc # Partition choice
10 #SBATCH --mem=1000 # Memory in MB per default
11 #SBATCH --time=168:00:00 # 7 days by default on htc partition
12 #SBATCH --ntasks=2 # number of tasks per job. 2 for multithreading
13 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=2 # number of core per process. 2 for multithreading
16 #SBATCH --mail-user=xxxx@km3net.de # Where to send mail
17 #SBATCH --mail-type=END,FAIL # Mail events (NONE, BEGIN, END, FAIL, ALL)
20 #SBATCH --wckey=P_km3net
22 # Template example to launch the pre-calibration script for D1ORCA011.
23 # Commands to be submitted:
25 . /usr/share/Modules/init/zsh
29 # If you have already a jpp module loaded and you want to use your own local version
30 # you must unload it, load a root module and point to your local Jpp
33 export JPP_DIR=/my_Jpp_directory/myJpp
34 source $JPP_DIR/setenv.sh $JPP_DIR
36 # the directory were the script will be run
37 export MYDIR=/my_calibration_directory/ORCA/D1ORCA011-acoustics.master_multiThread
38 # the directory containing the detector and tripod files from which the scan starts with
39 export PREVGEOMDIR=/my_calibration_directory/ORCA/D0ORCA010_fromArchive
40 # we use the pre-calibration script
41 $JPP_DIR/examples/JAcoustics/pre-calibration_00000132.sh $PREVGEOMDIR/
detector.datx $PREVGEOMDIR/tripod.txt $MYDIR
42 # the sstat command is useful to get details on the job.
usr share Modules init zsh export TMPDIR
usr share Modules init zsh export JobID
usr share Modules init zsh export MinCPU
do JPlot2D f $WORKDIR detector root
void load(const std::string &file_name, JDetector &detector)
Load detector from input file.
usr share Modules init zsh export MaxVMSize
do set_variable DETECTOR_TXT $WORKDIR detector