Jpp  18.1.0
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4 #include <algorithm>
5 #include <cmath>
6 #include <limits>
12 /**
13  * \author mdejong
14  */
16 namespace JDETECTOR {}
17 namespace JPP { using namespace JDETECTOR; }
19 namespace JDETECTOR {
21  /**
22  * PMT signal processor interface.
23  *
24  * This class supports the implementation of the PMT simulator interface using
25  * an alternative set of virtual methods.
26  * These methods constitute a user interface to the expected performance of a PMT.
27  *
28  * Each photon is converted to a photo-electron using member method getRandomTime().
29  * For this, the data structure JPhotoElectron is used.
30  * Note that the quantum efficiency (QE) of the PMT actually is included in the simulation of the detector response.
31  * A relative QE is applied via method applyQE().
32  * All photo-electrons are then time sorted.
33  * The photo-electrons which simultaneously arrive are merged.
34  * The corresponding condition is defined by member method compare().
35  * The time of the combined signal is determined by the time of the first photo-electron and
36  * the rise time of the analogue pulse to the threshold of the discriminator via method getRiseTime().
37  * In this, the actual amplitude of the combined analogue signal and the calibration of the PMT are taken into account.
38  * The amplitude of the combined analogue signal is simulated using member method getRandomCharge().
39  * For this, the data structure JPMTSignal is used.
40  *
41  * The analogue signals of the PMT are processed by a discriminator.
42  * This discriminator produces a time-over-threshold signal for each analogue signal that passes a preset threshold.
43  * The output signal is described by the time of the leading edge and the length of the time-over-threshold signal.
44  * For this, the data structure JPMTPulse is used.
45  * The determination of the time of the leading edge and the length of the time-over-threshold signal
46  * require a designated model.
47  * The class JPMTAnalogueSignalProcessor provides for an implementation of such a model.
48  *
49  * Overlapping time-over-threshold pulses are merged.
50  * The time of the leading edge is then set to the earliest leading edge and
51  * the time-over-threshold to the difference between
52  * the latest trailing edge and the earliest leading edge.
53  * The merging of hits is implemented in member method merge().
54  *
55  * The default implementation of these virtual methods corresponds to no smearing
56  * and a time-over-threshold value equal to a fixed two photo-electron resolution times the number of photo-electrons.
57  * The width of the charge distribution and the two photo-electron resolution are implemented in methods
58  * getQmin() and getTmin(), respectively.
59  *
60  * For a realistic PMT simulation, the derived class should provide for
61  * an implementation of each of these virtual methods.
62  */
64  public:
65  /**
66  * Default constructor.
67  */
69  {}
72  /**
73  * Virtual destructor.
74  */
76  {}
79  /**
80  * Process hits.
81  *
82  * Two (or more) photo-electrons are combined if they are comparable according method compare.\n
83  * Two (or more) consecutive hits hits maybe merged (according method merge).
84  *
85  * \param calibration PMT calibration
86  * \param input PMT signals
87  * \param output PMT hits
88  */
89  void operator()(const JCalibration& calibration,
90  const JPMTData<JPMTSignal>& input,
91  JPMTData<JPMTPulse>& output) const
92  {
93  // apply transition time distribution to each photo-electron.
95  buffer.clear();
97  for (JPMTData<JPMTSignal>::const_iterator hit = input.begin(); hit != input.end(); ++hit) {
98  for (int i = 0; i != hit->npe; ++i) {
99  if (applyQE()) {
100  buffer.push_back(JPhotoElectron(getRandomTime(hit->t_ns)));
101  }
102  }
103  }
105  if (!buffer.empty()) {
109  buffer.sort();
112  // generate PMT hits from time sequence of photo-electrons.
114  for (JPMTData<JPhotoElectron>::const_iterator q = buffer.begin(), p = q++; q != buffer.end(); ++q) {
116  while (compare(*p,*q)) {
117  ++q;
118  }
120  const double npe = getRandomCharge(distance(p,q));
122  if (applyThreshold(npe)) {
123  output.push_back(JPMTPulse(putTime(p->t_ns + getRiseTime(npe), calibration), getTimeOverThreshold(npe)));
124  }
126  p = q;
127  }
129  // merge overlapping PMT hits.
131  merge(output);
132  }
133  }
136  /**
137  * Apply relative QE.
138  * The default implementation returns <tt>true</tt>.
139  *
140  * \return true if accepted; false if rejected
141  */
142  virtual bool applyQE() const
143  {
144  return true;
145  }
148  /**
149  * Get randomised time according transition time distribution.
150  * The default implementation returns the given value.
151  *
152  * \param t_ns time [ns]
153  * \return time [ns]
154  */
155  virtual double getRandomTime(const double t_ns) const
156  {
157  return t_ns;
158  }
161  /**
162  * Compare arrival times of photo-electrons.
163  * The default implementation uses method getTmin as two photo-electron resolution.
164  *
165  * \param first first photo-electron
166  * \param second second photo-electron
167  * \return true if arrival times of photo-electrons are within two photo-electron resolution; else false
168  */
169  virtual bool compare(const JPhotoElectron& first, const JPhotoElectron& second) const
170  {
171  return second.t_ns - first.t_ns <= getTmin();
172  }
175  /**
176  * Get randomised charge according to gain and gain spread.
177  * The default implementation returns the given value.
178  *
179  * \param NPE number of photo-electrons
180  * \return number of photo-electrons
181  */
182  virtual double getRandomCharge(const int NPE) const
183  {
184  return (double) NPE;
185  }
188  /**
189  * Get probability density for given charge.
190  *
191  * \param npe observed number of photo-electrons
192  * \param NPE true number of photo-electrons
193  * \return probability [npe^-1]
194  */
195  virtual double getChargeProbability(const double npe, const int NPE) const
196  {
197  return (fabs(npe - NPE) <= 0.5 * getQmin() ? 1.0 / getQmin() : 0.0);
198  }
201  /**
202  * Apply threshold.
203  * The default implementation returns <tt>true</tt>.
204  *
205  * \param npe number of photo-electrons
206  * \return true if pass; else false
207  */
208  virtual bool applyThreshold(const double npe) const
209  {
210  return (npe > 0.0);
211  }
214  /**
215  * Get time to reach threshold.
216  * The default implementation returns <tt>0</tt>.
217  *
218  * \param npe number of photo-electrons
219  * \return time [ns]
220  */
221  virtual double getRiseTime(const double npe) const
222  {
223  return 0.0;
224  }
227  /**
228  * Get time-over-threshold (ToT).
229  * The default implementation corresponds to a linear relation between the number of photo-electrons and the time-over-threshold.
230  *
231  * \param npe number of photo-electrons
232  * \return ToT [ns]
233  */
234  virtual double getTimeOverThreshold(const double npe) const
235  {
236  return TIME_OVER_THRESHOLD_NS + getTmin() * (round(npe) - 1.0);
237  }
240  /**
241  * Get derivative of number of photo-electrons to time-over-threshold.
242  *
243  * \param npe number of photo-electrons
244  * \return dnpe/dToT [ns^-1]
245  */
246  virtual double getDerivative(const double npe) const
247  {
248  return 1.0 / getTmin();
249  }
252  /**
253  * Probability that a hit survives the simulation of the PMT.
254  * The default implementation returns <tt>1</tt> if given value larger than <tt>0</tt>.
255  *
256  * \param NPE number of photo-electrons
257  * \return probability
258  */
259  virtual double getSurvivalProbability(const int NPE) const
260  {
261  if (NPE > 0)
262  return 1.0;
263  else
264  return 0.0;
265  }
268  /**
269  * Get number of photo-electrons.
270  * The default implementation corresponds to a linear relation between the number of photo-electrons and the time-over-threshold.
271  *
272  * \param tot_ns time over threshold [ns]
273  * \return number of photo-electrons
274  */
275  virtual double getNPE(const double tot_ns) const
276  {
277  return 1.0 + (tot_ns - TIME_OVER_THRESHOLD_NS) / getTmin();
278  }
281  /**
282  * Merging of PMT hits.
283  *
284  * Hits with overlapping time-over-threshold signals should -de facto- be combined.
285  * In this, the leading edge is maintained and the time-over-threshold is
286  * set to the difference between the overall trailing and leading edges.
287  * As a result, the number of PMT hits may be reduced.
288  *
289  * \param data PMT hits (I/O)
290  */
291  virtual void merge(JPMTData<JPMTPulse>& data) const
292  {
293  using namespace std;
295  JPMTData<JPMTPulse>::iterator out = data.begin();
297  for (JPMTData<JPMTPulse>::iterator i = data.begin(); i != data.end(); ) {
299  double t1 = i->t_ns;
300  double t2 = i->t_ns + i->tot_ns;
302  while (++i != data.end() && i->t_ns < t2 + getTmin()) {
303  t2 = max(t2, i->t_ns + i->tot_ns);
304  }
306  out->t_ns = t1;
307  out->tot_ns = t2 - t1;
309  ++out;
310  }
312  data.resize(distance(data.begin(), out));
313  }
316  /**
317  * Get two photo-electron resolution for time-over-threshold
318  *
319  * \return minimal time [ns]
320  */
321  static double getTmin()
322  {
323  return 1.0;
324  }
327  /**
328  * Get width of charge distribution.
329  *
330  * \return width charge distribution [npe]
331  */
332  static double getQmin()
333  {
334  return 1.0e-3;
335  }
338  private:
340  };
343  /**
344  * Get charge probability.
345  *
346  * \param pmt PMT signal processor
347  * \param npe measured number of photo-electrons
348  * \param NPE expected number of photo-electrons
349  * \param precision precision
350  * \return probability
351  */
353  const double npe,
354  const double NPE,
355  const double precision = 1.0e-4)
356  {
357  int i = (int) (NPE - 5.0 * sqrt(NPE));
359  if (i < 1) {
360  i = 1;
361  }
363  double p = NPE * exp(-NPE) / (double) 1;
365  for (int __i = 1; __i != i; ++__i) {
366  p *= NPE / __i;
367  }
369  double P = 0.0;
371  for (double p0 = 0.0; (p >= p0 || p > precision); ++i, p0 = p, p *= NPE / (double) i) {
372  P += pmt.getChargeProbability(npe, i) * p;
373  }
375  return P;
376  }
377 }
379 #endif
Data structure for PMT digital pulse.
static double getQmin()
Get width of charge distribution.
Time calibration (including definition of sign of time offset).
virtual double getRandomCharge(const int NPE) const
Get randomised charge according to gain and gain spread.
std::vector< T >::difference_type distance(typename std::vector< T >::const_iterator first, typename PhysicsEvent::const_iterator< T > second)
Specialisation of STL distance.
Data structure for single photo-electron.
Specification for time-over-threshold corresponding to a one photo-electron pulse.
virtual void merge(JPMTData< JPMTPulse > &data) const
Merging of PMT hits.
Data structure for time calibration.
virtual bool applyQE() const
Apply relative QE.
static double getTmin()
Get two photo-electron resolution for time-over-threshold.
void operator()(const JCalibration &calibration, const JPMTData< JPMTSignal > &input, JPMTData< JPMTPulse > &output) const
Process hits.
then echo The file $DIR KM3NeT_00000001_00000000 root already please rename or remove it first
virtual double getRiseTime(const double npe) const
Get time to reach threshold.
virtual double getSurvivalProbability(const int NPE) const
Probability that a hit survives the simulation of the PMT.
double putTime(const T &t1, const JCalibration &cal)
Get de-calibrated time.
virtual bool applyThreshold(const double npe) const
Apply threshold.
std::vector< JElement_t >::iterator iterator
virtual ~JPMTSignalProcessorInterface()
Virtual destructor.
virtual bool compare(const JPhotoElectron &first, const JPhotoElectron &second) const
Compare arrival times of photo-electrons.
virtual double getNPE(const double tot_ns) const
Get number of photo-electrons.
virtual double getChargeProbability(const double npe, const int NPE) const
Get probability density for given charge.
static JPhotoElectron getEndMarker()
Get end marker.
virtual double getRandomTime(const double t_ns) const
Get randomised time according transition time distribution.
virtual double getTimeOverThreshold(const double npe) const
Get time-over-threshold (ToT).
Template data structure for PMT I/O.
virtual double getDerivative(const double npe) const
Get derivative of number of photo-electrons to time-over-threshold.
std::vector< JElement_t >::const_iterator const_iterator
then fatal Wrong number of arguments fi set_variable DETECTOR $argv[1] set_variable STRING $argv[2] set_array QUANTILES set_variable FORMULA *[0] exp(-0.5 *(x-[1])*(x-[1])/([2]*[2]))" set_variable MODULE `getModule -a $DETECTOR -L "$STRING 0"` source typeset -A TRIPODS get_tripods $WORKDIR/tripod.txt TRIPODS XMEAN
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