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Functions | |
then usage $script< directory A >< directoryB > nIn each there should be a file detector datx and tripod nconform the result of script acoustic fit sh fi | if (($#!=2)) |
Variables | |
script | |
then echo Variable JPP_DIR undefined exit fi source $JPP_DIR setenv sh $JPP_DIR &dev null | set_variable |
then usage $script< directory A >< directoryB > nIn each | directory |
then usage $script< directory A >< directoryB > nIn each there should be a file detector datx and tripod | txt |
then fatal Wrong number of arguments fi set_variable DIR_A set_variable DIR_B JConvertDetectorFormat a $DIR_A detector datx o $WORKDIR detector_a datx JConvertDetectorFormat a $DIR_B detector datx o $WORKDIR detector_b datx cp $DIR_A tripod txt $WORKDIR tripod_a txt cp $DIR_B tripod txt $WORKDIR tripod_b txt eval JPrintDetector a $WORKDIR detector_a datx O SUMMARY JAlignDetector a $WORKDIR detector_a datx b $WORKDIR detector_b datx A T $WORKDIR tripod_a txt s $SIGMA_M d $DEBUG!for STRING in | $STRINGS [*] |
do set_variable MODULE getModule a $WORKDIR detector_a datx L $STRING JEditDetector a $WORKDIR detector_a datx M $MODULE setz o $WORKDIR detector_a datx JEditDetector a $WORKDIR detector_b datx M $MODULE setz o $WORKDIR detector_b datx done echo Output stored at $WORKDIR detector_a datx and $WORKDIR tripod_a txt JDrawDetector2D a $WORKDIR detector_a datx a $WORKDIR detector_b datx L BL o detector $FORMAT $BATCH JDrawDetector2D T $WORKDIR tripod_a txt T $WORKDIR tripod_b txt L BL o tripod $FORMAT $BATCH JCompareDetector a $WORKDIR detector_a datx b $WORKDIR detector_b datx o $WORKDIR abc root &dev null for KEY in X Y | Z |
then usage $script<directory A><directoryB> nIn each there should be a file detector datx and tripod nconform the result of script acoustic fit sh fi if | ( | ($#!=2) | ) |
script |
Definition at line 2 of file
then echo Variable JPP_DIR undefined exit fi source $JPP_DIR setenv sh $JPP_DIR& dev null set_variable |
Definition at line 23 of file
Definition at line 25 of file
then JGetMessage T MSG T Born T Died T RC_REPLY &$WORKDIR logger test2 txt &cat $WORKDIR driver txt<< EOFprocess AcousticDataFilter $IP_ADDRESS ADF-d $DEBUG</dev/null > &dev null &enter event ev_init |
Definition at line 25 of file
then fatal Wrong number of arguments fi set_variable DIR_A set_variable DIR_B JConvertDetectorFormat a $DIR_A detector datx o $WORKDIR detector_a datx JConvertDetectorFormat a $DIR_B detector datx o $WORKDIR detector_b datx cp $DIR_A tripod txt $WORKDIR tripod_a txt cp $DIR_B tripod txt $WORKDIR tripod_b txt eval JPrintDetector a $WORKDIR detector_a datx O SUMMARY JAlignDetector a $WORKDIR detector_a datx b $WORKDIR detector_b datx A T $WORKDIR tripod_a txt s $SIGMA_M d $DEBUG ! for STRING in $STRINGS[*] |
Definition at line 52 of file
do set_variable MODULE getModule a $WORKDIR detector_a datx L $STRING JEditDetector a $WORKDIR detector_a datx M $MODULE setz o $WORKDIR detector_a datx JEditDetector a $WORKDIR detector_b datx M $MODULE setz o $WORKDIR detector_b datx done echo Output stored at $WORKDIR detector_a datx and $WORKDIR tripod_a txt JDrawDetector2D a $WORKDIR detector_a datx a $WORKDIR detector_b datx L BL o detector $FORMAT $BATCH JDrawDetector2D T $WORKDIR tripod_a txt T $WORKDIR tripod_b txt L BL o tripod $FORMAT $BATCH JCompareDetector a $WORKDIR detector_a datx b $WORKDIR detector_b datx o $WORKDIR abc root& dev null for KEY in X Y Z |
Definition at line 81 of file