the software that should make you happy
Auxiliary methods for light properties of deep-sea water. More...
Classes | |
class | JAbstractMedium |
Medium interface. More... | |
class | JAbstractPMT |
PMT interface. More... | |
class | JACoeffInterface |
Interface for calculation of ionization constant. More... | |
class | JACoeffSource |
Implementation for calculation of ionization constant. More... | |
class | JCDFTable |
Multi-dimensional CDF table for arrival time of Cherenkov light. More... | |
class | JDIS |
Deep-inelastic muon-nucleon scattering. More... | |
class | JDispersion |
Implementation of dispersion for water in deep sea. More... | |
class | JDispersionInterface |
Light dispersion inteface. More... | |
class | JGeane |
Interface for muon energy loss. More... | |
class | JGeane_t |
Function object for the energy loss of the muon. More... | |
class | JGeaneWater |
Function object for energy dependent energy loss of the muon. More... | |
class | JGeant |
Function object for the probability density function of photon emission from EM-shower as a function of the index of refraction and the cosine of the emission angle. More... | |
class | JGeant_t |
Base class for the probability density function of photon emission from EM-shower as a function of the index of refraction and the cosine of the emission angle. More... | |
class | JGeanx |
Probability density function of photon emission from EM-shower as a function of cosine of the emission angle. More... | |
class | JGeanz |
Function object for longitudinal profile of EM-shower. More... | |
struct | JSter |
Struct for the Sternheimer coefficients. More... | |
struct | JSterCoefficient |
Auxiliary data structure Ster coefficients as a function of proton number. More... | |
struct | JK40Rates |
Auxiliary class for K40 rates. More... | |
class | JAbstractLED |
Interface for emission profile from LED. More... | |
class | JLED |
Probability Density Functions of the time response of a PMT. More... | |
class | JLED_C |
Probability Density Functions of the time response of a PMT (C-like interface) More... | |
class | JNPETable |
Custom class for integrated values of the PDF of the arrival time of Cherenkov light. More... | |
class | JPDF |
Low level interface for the calculation of the Probability Density Functions (PDFs) of the arrival time of Cherenkov light from a muon or an EM-shower on a photo-multiplier tube (PMT). More... | |
class | JAbstractPDF |
Probability Density Functions of the time response of a PMT with an implementation for the JDispersionInterface interface. More... | |
class | JPDF_C |
Probability Density Functions of the time response of a PMT with an implementation of the JAbstractPMT and JAbstractMedium interfaces via C-like methods. More... | |
class | JPDFTable |
Multi-dimensional PDF table for arrival time of Cherenkov light. More... | |
class | JPDFTransformer_t |
Transformer for the 1D probability density function (PDF) of the time response of a PMT to a muon. More... | |
class | JPD0Transformer_t |
Transformer for the 1D probability density function (PDF) of the time response of a PMT due to a point source. More... | |
class | JPDGTransformer_t |
Transformer for the 2D probability density function (PDF) of the time response of a PMT due to an EM shower. More... | |
class | JPDFTransformer |
Template definition of transformer of the probability density function (PDF) of the time response of a PMT. More... | |
class | JPDFTransformer< 2, JArgument_t > |
Template specialisation of transformer of the 2D probability density function (PDF) of the time response of a PMT due to a bright point. More... | |
class | JPDFTransformer< 3, JArgument_t > |
Template specialisation of transformer of the 3D probability density function (PDF) of the time response of a PMT due to a muon. More... | |
class | JPDFTransformer< 4, JArgument_t > |
Template specialisation of transformer of the 4D probability density function (PDF) of the time response of a PMT due to an EM shower. More... | |
class | JPDFTransformer< 5, JArgument_t > |
Template specialisation of transformer of the 5D probability density function (PDF) of the time response of a PMT due to an EM shower. More... | |
class | JPetzhold |
Measurement of light scattering in water. More... | |
struct | JMobley |
Auxiliary data structure for scattering lengths of deep-sea water. More... | |
class | JAbsorptionLengthOfPureWater |
Absorption length of pure water. More... | |
class | JRadiation |
Auxiliary class for the calculation of the muon radiative cross sections. More... | |
struct | JRadiationSource_t |
Auxiliary data structure for handling member methods of class JRadiation. More... | |
class | JRadiationFunction |
Fast implementation of class JRadiation. More... | |
class | JRadiationInterface |
Interface for calculation of inverse interaction length and shower energy. More... | |
class | JRadiationSource |
Implementation for calculation of inverse interaction length and shower energy. More... | |
class | JDISSource |
Implementation for calculation of inverse interaction length and shower energy due to deep-inelastic muon-nucleon scattering. More... | |
class | JCDFTable1D |
Custom class for CDF table in 1 dimension. More... | |
class | JCDFTable2D |
Custom class for CDF table in 2 dimensions. More... | |
Typedefs | |
typedef JTOOLS::JGridPolint1Function1D_t | JGeantFunction1D_t |
typedef double | JRateL0_t |
Type definition of singles rate [Hz]. More... | |
typedef std::vector< double > | JRateL1_t |
Type definition of count rate as a function of multiplicty [Hz] The multiples rate start counting at two-fold coincidences. More... | |
typedef size_t | multiplicity_type |
Type definition of multiplicity. More... | |
typedef JTOOLS::JElement2D < double, double > | JElement2D_t |
typedef JTOOLS::JElement3D < double, double > | JElement3D_t |
typedef JTOOLS::JRange< double > | JTimeRange |
Type definition for time range (unit [ns]). More... | |
Enumerations | |
PDF types. More... | |
Functions | |
const double | getSpeedOfLight () |
Get speed of light. More... | |
const double | getInverseSpeedOfLight () |
Get inverse speed of light. More... | |
double | getIndexOfRefraction () |
Get average index of refraction of water corresponding to group velocity. More... | |
double | getIndexOfRefractionPhase () |
Get average index of refraction of water corresponding to phase velocity. More... | |
double | getTanThetaC () |
Get average tangent of Cherenkov angle of water corresponding to group velocity. More... | |
double | getCosThetaC () |
Get average cosine of Cherenkov angle of water corresponding to group velocity. More... | |
double | getSinThetaC () |
Get average sine of Cherenkov angle of water corresponding to group velocity. More... | |
double | getKappaC () |
Get average R-dependence of arrival time of Cherenkov light (a.k.a. More... | |
double | geanc () |
Equivalent muon track length per unit shower energy. More... | |
static const JGeane_t | gRock (2.67e-1 *0.9 *DENSITY_ROCK, 3.40e-4 *1.2 *DENSITY_ROCK) |
Function object for energy loss of muon in rock. More... | |
double | getMinimalWavelength () |
Get minimal wavelength for PDF evaluations. More... | |
double | getMaximalWavelength () |
Get maximal wavelength for PDF evaluations. More... | |
double | cherenkov (const double lambda, const double n) |
Number of Cherenkov photons per unit track length and per unit wavelength. More... | |
double | getDeltaRaysFromMuon (const double E) |
Equivalent EM-shower energy due to delta-rays per unit muon track length. More... | |
double | getDeltaRaysFromTau (const double E) |
Equivalent EM-shower energy due to delta-rays per unit tau track length. More... | |
double | getDeltaRayProbability (const double x) |
Emission profile of photons from delta-rays. More... | |
const double | getRayleighCrossSection (const double n, const double lambda) |
Rayleigh cross section. More... | |
const double | getRayleighScatteringLength (const double n, const double lambda) |
Rayleigh scattering length. More... | |
std::string | getLabel (const JPDFType_t pdf) |
Get PDF label. More... | |
int | getPDFType (const std::string &file_name) |
Get PDF type. More... | |
std::string | getFilename (const std::string &file_name, const JPDFType_t pdf) |
Get PDF file name. More... | |
bool | is_muon (const int pdf) |
Test if given PDF type corresponds to Cherenkov light from muon. More... | |
bool | is_bremsstrahlung (const int pdf) |
Test if given PDF type corresponds to Cherenkov light from Bremsstrahlung. More... | |
bool | is_deltarays (const int pdf) |
Test if given PDF type corresponds to Cherenkov light from delta-rays. More... | |
bool | is_scattered (const int pdf) |
Test if given PDF type corresponds to scattered light. More... | |
double | getThetaMCS (const double E, const double x, const double X0, const double M, const double Q) |
Get multiple Coulomb scattering angle. More... | |
double | getThetaMCS (const double E, const double x) |
Get multiple Coulomb scattering angle for muon. More... | |
double | henyey_greenstein (const double g, const double x) |
Auxiliary method to describe light scattering in water (Henyey-Greenstein). More... | |
double | henyey_greenstein (const double x) |
Auxiliary method to describe light scattering in water (Heneyey-Greenstein). More... | |
double | rayleigh (const double a, const double x) |
Auxiliary method to describe light scattering in water (Rayleigh). More... | |
double | rayleigh (const double x) |
Auxiliary method to describe light scattering in water (Rayleigh). More... | |
double | f4 (const double x) |
Model specific function to describe light scattering in water (f4). More... | |
double | p00075 (const double x) |
Model specific function to describe light scattering in water (p00075). More... | |
Variables | |
static const double | C = 0.299792458 |
Physics constants. More... | |
static const double | C_INVERSE = 1.0/C |
Inverse speed of light in vacuum [ns/m]. More... | |
static const double | AVOGADRO = 6.0221415e23 |
Avogadro's number [gr^-1]. More... | |
static const double | NUCLEON_MOLAR_MASS = 1.0 |
nucleon molar mass [g/mol] More... | |
static const double | H = 4.13566733e-15 |
Planck constant [eV s]. More... | |
static const double | HBAR = H/(2*PI) |
Planck constant [eV s]. More... | |
static const double | HBARC = HBAR*C*1.0e9 |
Planck constant [eV m]. More... | |
static const double | ALPHA_ELECTRO_MAGNETIC = 1.0/137.036 |
Electro-Magnetic coupling constant. More... | |
static const double | THETA_MCS = 13.6e-3 |
Multiple Coulomb scattering constant [GeV]. More... | |
static const double | R_EARTH_KM = 6371 |
Geophysics constants. More... | |
static const double | DENSITY_EARTH = 5.51 |
Average density of the Earth [gr/cm³]. More... | |
static const double | DENSITY_SEA_WATER = 1.038 |
Fixed environment values. More... | |
static const double | DENSITY_ROCK = 2.65 |
Density of rock [g/cm^3]. More... | |
static const double | SALINITY_SEA_WATER = 0.035 |
Salinity of sea water. More... | |
static const double | INDEX_OF_REFRACTION_WATER = 1.3800851282 |
Average index of refraction of water corresponding to the group velocity. More... | |
static const double | X0_WATER_M = 0.36 |
Radiation length pure water [m]. More... | |
static const double | TAN_THETA_C_WATER = sqrt((INDEX_OF_REFRACTION_WATER - 1.0) * (INDEX_OF_REFRACTION_WATER + 1.0)) |
Derived quantities of optical medium. More... | |
static const double | COS_THETA_C_WATER = 1.0 / INDEX_OF_REFRACTION_WATER |
Average cosine corresponding to the group velocity. More... | |
Average sine corresponding to the group velocity. More... | |
static const double | KAPPA_WATER = 0.96 |
Average R-dependence of arrival time of Cherenkov light. More... | |
static const double | MASS_PHOTON = 0.0 |
Particle masses. More... | |
static const double | MASS_ELECTRON_NEUTRINO = 0.0 |
electron neutrino mass [GeV] More... | |
static const double | MASS_MUON_NEUTRINO = 0.0 |
muon neutrino mass [GeV] More... | |
static const double | MASS_TAU_NEUTRINO = 0.0 |
tau neutrino mass [GeV] More... | |
static const double | MASS_ELECTRON = 0.510998946e-3 |
electron mass [GeV] More... | |
static const double | MASS_MUON = 0.1056583745 |
muon mass [GeV] More... | |
static const double | MASS_TAU = 1.77682 |
tau mass [GeV] More... | |
static const double | MASS_NEUTRAL_PION = 0.1349766 |
pi_0 mass [GeV] More... | |
static const double | MASS_CHARGED_PION = 0.13957018 |
pi^+/- mass [GeV] More... | |
static const double | MASS_NEUTRAL_KAON = 0.497614 |
K_0 mass [GeV]. More... | |
static const double | MASS_CHARGED_KAON = 0.493677 |
K^+/- mass [GeV]. More... | |
static const double | MASS_NEUTRAL_RHO = 0.77526 |
rho_0 mass [GeV] More... | |
static const double | MASS_CHARGED_RHO = 0.77511 |
rho^+/- mass [GeV] More... | |
static const double | MASS_NEUTRAL_D = 1.86483 |
D_0 mass [GeV]. More... | |
static const double | MASS_CHARGED_D = 1.86965 |
D^+/- mass [GeV]. More... | |
static const double | MASS_CHARGED_D_S = 1.96834 |
D_s^+/- mass [GeV]. More... | |
static const double | MASS_PROTON = 0.9382720813 |
proton mass [GeV] More... | |
static const double | MASS_NEUTRON = 0.9395654133 |
neutron mass [GeV] More... | |
static const double | MASS_DELTA_1232 = 1.232 |
Delta (1232) mass [GeV]. More... | |
static const double | MASS_LAMBDA = 1.115683 |
Lambda mass [GeV]. More... | |
static const double | MASS_NEUTRAL_SIGMA = 1.192642 |
Sigma_0 mass [GeV]. More... | |
static const double | MASS_CHARGED_SIGMA = 1.18937 |
Sigma^+/- mass [GeV]. More... | |
static const double | MASS_NEUTRAL_XI = 1.31486 |
Xi_0 mass [GeV]. More... | |
static const double | MASS_CHARGED_XI = 1.32171 |
Xi^+/- mass [GeV]. More... | |
static const double | MASS_CHARGED_OMEGA = 1.67245 |
Omega^+/- mass [GeV]. More... | |
static const double | MASS_CHARGED_LAMBDA_C = 2.28646 |
Lambda_c^+/- mass [GeV]. More... | |
static const double | MASS_DOUBLYCHARGED_SIGMA_C = 2.45397 |
Sigma_c^++/– mass [GeV]. More... | |
static const double | MASS_CHARGED_SIGMA_C = 2.4529 |
Sigma_c^+/- mass [GeV]. More... | |
static const double | MASS_NEUTRAL_SIGMA_C = 2.45375 |
Sigma_c_0 mass [GeV]. More... | |
static const double | MASS_CHARGED_XI_C = 2.46793 |
Xi_c^+/- mass [GeV]. More... | |
static const double | MASS_NEUTRAL_XI_C = 2.47091 |
Xi_c_0 mass [GeV]. More... | |
static const double | MASS_NEUTRAL_OMEGA_C = 2.6952 |
Omega_c_0 mass [GeV]. More... | |
static const double | MASS_NEUTRAL_B = 5.27958 |
B_0 mass [GeV]. More... | |
static const double | MASS_CHARGED_B = 5.27926 |
B^+/- mass [GeV]. More... | |
static const double | MASS_NEUTRAL_B_S = 5.36677 |
B_s^0 mass [GeV]. More... | |
static const double | MASS_NEUTRAL_LAMBDA_B = 5.6194 |
Lambda_b^0 mass [GeV]. More... | |
static const double | MASS_NEUTRAL_XI_B = 5.7878 |
Xi_b^0 mass [GeV]. More... | |
static const double | MASS_CHARGED_XI_B = 5.7911 |
Xi_b^+/- mass [GeV]. More... | |
static const double | MASS_CHARGED_OMEGA_B = 6.071 |
Omega_b^+/- mass [GeV]. More... | |
static const double | MASS_CHARGED_B_C = 6.2756 |
B_c^+/- mass [GeV]. More... | |
static const JGeaneWater | gWater |
Function object for energy loss of muon in sea water. More... | |
static const JGeant | geant (geanx, 0.0001) |
Function object for the number of photons from EM-shower as a function of emission angle. More... | |
static const JGeanx | geanx (0.35,-5.40) |
Function object for the number of photons from EM-shower as a function of emission angle. More... | |
static const JGeanz | geanz (1.85, 0.62, 0.54) |
Function object for longitudinal EM-shower profile. More... | |
static JSterCoefficient | getSterCoefficient |
Function object for Ster coefficients. More... | |
static const JCCnu | cc_nu |
Function object for charged current neutrino cross section [cm^2] as a function of neutrino energy [GeV]. More... | |
static const JNCnu | nc_nu |
Function object for neutral current neutrino cross section [cm^2] as a function of neutrino energy [GeV]. More... | |
static const JCCnubar | cc_nubar |
Function object for charged current anti-neutrino cross section [cm^2] as a function of neutrino energy [GeV]. More... | |
static const JNCnubar | nc_nubar |
Function object for neutral current anti-neutrino cross section [cm^2] as a function of neutrino energy [GeV]. More... | |
static double | MODULE_RADIUS_M = 0.25 |
Radius of optical module [m]. More... | |
static const JPetzhold | petzhold |
Function object for measurement of light scattering in water. More... | |
static const JAbsorptionLengthOfPureWater | getAbsorptionLengthOfPureWater |
Function object for absorption length of pure water. More... | |
static const JRadiationSource_t | EErad_t = { &JRadiation::TotalCrossSectionEErad, &JRadiation::EfromEErad, &JRadiation::ThetaRMSfromEErad } |
static const JRadiationSource_t | Brems_t = { &JRadiation::TotalCrossSectionBrems, &JRadiation::EfromBrems, &JRadiation::ThetaRMSfromBrems } |
static const JRadiationSource_t | GNrad_t = { &JRadiation::TotalCrossSectionGNrad, &JRadiation::EfromGNrad, &JRadiation::ThetaRMSfromGNrad } |
Auxiliary methods for light properties of deep-sea water.
Definition at line 21 of file JGeant_t.hh.
typedef double JPHYSICS::JRateL0_t |
Type definition of singles rate [Hz].
Definition at line 21 of file JK40Rates.hh.
typedef std::vector<double> JPHYSICS::JRateL1_t |
Type definition of count rate as a function of multiplicty [Hz] The multiples rate start counting at two-fold coincidences.
Definition at line 27 of file JK40Rates.hh.
typedef size_t JPHYSICS::multiplicity_type |
Type definition of multiplicity.
Definition at line 33 of file JK40Rates.hh.
typedef JTOOLS::JElement2D<double, double> JPHYSICS::JElement2D_t |
typedef JTOOLS::JElement3D<double, double> JPHYSICS::JElement3D_t |
typedef JTOOLS::JRange<double> JPHYSICS::JTimeRange |
Type definition for time range (unit [ns]).
Definition at line 19 of file JPhysics/JTimeRange.hh.
enum JPHYSICS::JPDFType_t |
PDF types.
Definition at line 24 of file JPDFTypes.hh.
inline |
Get speed of light.
Definition at line 112 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
inline |
Get inverse speed of light.
Definition at line 123 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
inline |
Get average index of refraction of water corresponding to group velocity.
Definition at line 134 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
inline |
Get average index of refraction of water corresponding to phase velocity.
Definition at line 145 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
inline |
Get average tangent of Cherenkov angle of water corresponding to group velocity.
Definition at line 156 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
inline |
Get average cosine of Cherenkov angle of water corresponding to group velocity.
Definition at line 167 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
inline |
Get average sine of Cherenkov angle of water corresponding to group velocity.
Definition at line 178 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
inline |
Get average R-dependence of arrival time of Cherenkov light (a.k.a.
Definition at line 189 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
inline |
static |
Function object for energy loss of muon in rock.
inline |
Get minimal wavelength for PDF evaluations.
Definition at line 26 of file JPDFToolkit.hh.
inline |
Get maximal wavelength for PDF evaluations.
Definition at line 37 of file JPDFToolkit.hh.
inline |
Number of Cherenkov photons per unit track length and per unit wavelength.
lambda | wavelength of light [nm] |
n | index of refraction |
Definition at line 50 of file JPDFToolkit.hh.
inline |
Equivalent EM-shower energy due to delta-rays per unit muon track length.
Internal parameters are obtained with application [script] JDeltaRays[.sh].
E | muon energy [GeV] |
Definition at line 67 of file JPDFToolkit.hh.
inline |
Equivalent EM-shower energy due to delta-rays per unit tau track length.
Internal parameters are obtained with application [script] JDeltaRays[.sh].
E | tau energy [GeV] |
Definition at line 95 of file JPDFToolkit.hh.
inline |
Emission profile of photons from delta-rays.
Profile is taken from reference ANTARES-SOFT-2002-015, J. Brunner (fig. 3).
x | cosine emission angle |
Definition at line 123 of file JPDFToolkit.hh.
inline |
Rayleigh cross section.
n | index of refraction |
lambda | wavelength of light [nm] |
Definition at line 137 of file JPDFToolkit.hh.
inline |
Rayleigh scattering length.
n | index of refraction |
lambda | wavelength of light [nm] |
Definition at line 158 of file JPDFToolkit.hh.
inline |
inline |
Get PDF type.
file_name | file name |
Definition at line 77 of file JPDFTypes.hh.
inline |
Get PDF file name.
The input file name should contain the wild card character JEEP::FILENAME_WILD_CARD which will be replaced by the label corresponding to the given PDF type.
file_name | input file name |
PDF type |
Definition at line 110 of file JPDFTypes.hh.
inline |
Test if given PDF type corresponds to Cherenkov light from muon.
PDF type |
Definition at line 123 of file JPDFTypes.hh.
inline |
Test if given PDF type corresponds to Cherenkov light from Bremsstrahlung.
PDF type |
Definition at line 137 of file JPDFTypes.hh.
inline |
Test if given PDF type corresponds to Cherenkov light from delta-rays.
PDF type |
Definition at line 151 of file JPDFTypes.hh.
inline |
Test if given PDF type corresponds to scattered light.
PDF type |
Definition at line 165 of file JPDFTypes.hh.
inline |
Get multiple Coulomb scattering angle.
The formula is taken from reference: Particle Data Book, formula 27.14.
E | Energy [GeV] |
x | distance [m] |
X0 | radiation length [m] |
M | mass [GeV] |
Q | charge [unit] |
Definition at line 40 of file JPhysicsSupportkit.hh.
inline |
Get multiple Coulomb scattering angle for muon.
E | Energy [GeV] |
x | distance [m] |
Definition at line 65 of file JPhysicsSupportkit.hh.
inline |
Auxiliary method to describe light scattering in water (Henyey-Greenstein).
g | angular dependence parameter |
x | cosine scattering angle |
Definition at line 78 of file JPhysicsSupportkit.hh.
inline |
Auxiliary method to describe light scattering in water (Heneyey-Greenstein).
x | cosine scattering angle |
Definition at line 95 of file JPhysicsSupportkit.hh.
inline |
Auxiliary method to describe light scattering in water (Rayleigh).
a | angular dependence parameter |
x | cosine scattering angle |
Definition at line 110 of file JPhysicsSupportkit.hh.
inline |
Auxiliary method to describe light scattering in water (Rayleigh).
x | cosine scattering angle |
Definition at line 126 of file JPhysicsSupportkit.hh.
inline |
Model specific function to describe light scattering in water (f4).
x | cosine scattering angle |
Definition at line 138 of file JPhysicsSupportkit.hh.
inline |
Model specific function to describe light scattering in water (p00075).
x | cosine scattering angle |
Definition at line 154 of file JPhysicsSupportkit.hh.
static |
Physics constants.
Speed of light in vacuum [m/ns]
Definition at line 25 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
Inverse speed of light in vacuum [ns/m].
Definition at line 26 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
Avogadro's number [gr^-1].
Definition at line 27 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
nucleon molar mass [g/mol]
Definition at line 28 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
Planck constant [eV s].
Definition at line 29 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
Planck constant [eV s].
Definition at line 30 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
Planck constant [eV m].
Definition at line 31 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
Electro-Magnetic coupling constant.
Definition at line 32 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
Multiple Coulomb scattering constant [GeV].
Definition at line 33 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
static |
Average density of the Earth [gr/cm³].
Definition at line 39 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
Fixed environment values.
Density of sea water [g/cm^3]
Definition at line 44 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
Density of rock [g/cm^3].
Definition at line 45 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
Salinity of sea water.
Definition at line 46 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
Average index of refraction of water corresponding to the group velocity.
Definition at line 47 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
Radiation length pure water [m].
Definition at line 48 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
Derived quantities of optical medium.
Average tangent corresponding to the group velocity
Definition at line 53 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
Average cosine corresponding to the group velocity.
Definition at line 54 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
Average sine corresponding to the group velocity.
Definition at line 55 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
Average R-dependence of arrival time of Cherenkov light.
Definition at line 56 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
Particle masses.
Note that the neutrino masses are set to zero.photon mass [GeV]
Definition at line 62 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
electron neutrino mass [GeV]
Definition at line 64 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
muon neutrino mass [GeV]
Definition at line 65 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
tau neutrino mass [GeV]
Definition at line 66 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
electron mass [GeV]
Definition at line 68 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
muon mass [GeV]
Definition at line 69 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
tau mass [GeV]
Definition at line 70 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
pi_0 mass [GeV]
Definition at line 72 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
pi^+/- mass [GeV]
Definition at line 73 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
K_0 mass [GeV].
Definition at line 74 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
K^+/- mass [GeV].
Definition at line 75 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
rho_0 mass [GeV]
Definition at line 76 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
rho^+/- mass [GeV]
Definition at line 77 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
D_0 mass [GeV].
Definition at line 78 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
D^+/- mass [GeV].
Definition at line 79 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
D_s^+/- mass [GeV].
Definition at line 80 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
proton mass [GeV]
Definition at line 82 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
neutron mass [GeV]
Definition at line 83 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
Delta (1232) mass [GeV].
Definition at line 84 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
Lambda mass [GeV].
Definition at line 85 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
Sigma_0 mass [GeV].
Definition at line 86 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
Sigma^+/- mass [GeV].
Definition at line 87 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
Xi_0 mass [GeV].
Definition at line 88 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
Xi^+/- mass [GeV].
Definition at line 89 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
Omega^+/- mass [GeV].
Definition at line 90 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
Lambda_c^+/- mass [GeV].
Definition at line 91 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
Sigma_c^++/– mass [GeV].
Definition at line 92 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
Sigma_c^+/- mass [GeV].
Definition at line 93 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
Sigma_c_0 mass [GeV].
Definition at line 94 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
Xi_c^+/- mass [GeV].
Definition at line 95 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
Xi_c_0 mass [GeV].
Definition at line 96 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
Omega_c_0 mass [GeV].
Definition at line 97 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
B_0 mass [GeV].
Definition at line 98 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
B^+/- mass [GeV].
Definition at line 99 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
B_s^0 mass [GeV].
Definition at line 100 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
Lambda_b^0 mass [GeV].
Definition at line 101 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
Xi_b^0 mass [GeV].
Definition at line 102 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
Xi_b^+/- mass [GeV].
Definition at line 103 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
Omega_b^+/- mass [GeV].
Definition at line 104 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
B_c^+/- mass [GeV].
Definition at line 105 of file JPhysics/JConstants.hh.
static |
Function object for the number of photons from EM-shower as a function of emission angle.
static |
Function object for the number of photons from EM-shower as a function of emission angle.
static |
Function object for longitudinal EM-shower profile.
static |
Function object for Ster coefficients.
Definition at line 80 of file JIonization.hh.
static |
Function object for charged current neutrino cross section [cm^2] as a function of neutrino energy [GeV].
Definition at line 618 of file JNeutrino.hh.
static |
Function object for neutral current neutrino cross section [cm^2] as a function of neutrino energy [GeV].
Definition at line 620 of file JNeutrino.hh.
static |
Function object for charged current anti-neutrino cross section [cm^2] as a function of neutrino energy [GeV].
Definition at line 621 of file JNeutrino.hh.
static |
Function object for neutral current anti-neutrino cross section [cm^2] as a function of neutrino energy [GeV].
Definition at line 622 of file JNeutrino.hh.
static |
static |
Function object for measurement of light scattering in water.
Definition at line 270 of file JPhysicsSupportkit.hh.
static |
Function object for absorption length of pure water.
Definition at line 470 of file JPhysicsSupportkit.hh.
static |
Definition at line 510 of file JRadiation.hh.
static |
Definition at line 511 of file JRadiation.hh.
static |
Definition at line 512 of file JRadiation.hh.