20 namespace JPP {
using namespace JOSCPROB; }
35 public JClonable<JOscProbInterpolatorInterface>
58 virtual void load(
const char* fileName) = 0;
virtual void load(const char *fileName)=0
Load oscillation probability table from file.
Low-level interface for oscillation probability calculators.
Data structure for single set of oscillation parameters.
virtual const JBaselineCalculator & getBaselineCalculator() const =0
Get baseline calculator associated with this interpolation table.
Auxiliary data structure for storing and calculating baselines.
Default constructor.
Low-level interface for oscillation probability tables.
Forward declaration of binary output.
virtual ~JOscProbInterpolatorInterface()
Virtual destructor.
Template class for object cloning.
virtual const JOscParameters & getTableParameters() const =0
Get oscillation parameters.