1 #ifndef __JTRIGGER__JMATCH3D__
2 #define __JTRIGGER__JMATCH3D__
16 namespace JPP {
using namespace JTRIGGER; }
28 template<
class JHit_t>
30 public JClonable< JMatch<JHit_t>, JMatch3D<JHit_t> >
57 x = first.getX() - second.getX();
58 y = first.getY() - second.getY();
59 z = first.getZ() - second.getZ();
61 t = fabs(first.getT() - second.getT());
double getIndexOfRefraction()
Get average index of refraction of water corresponding to group velocity.
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Base class for match operations for cluster and hit-preprocessing methods.
virtual bool operator()(const JHit_t &first, const JHit_t &second) const override
Match operator.
Template class for object cloning.
const double getInverseSpeedOfLight()
Get inverse speed of light.
JMatch3D(const double Tmax_ns=0.0)