Go to the source code of this file.
Definition at line 20 of file acoustics-Zmul.sh.
24 if (( $# < 1 || $# > 2)); then
30 set_variable SCRIPT $argv[1]
31 set_variable OPTION $argv[-1]
33 if [[ $OPTION != "run
" && $OPTION != "plot" && $OPTION != "fit
" ]]; then
37 if [[ $OPTION == "run
" ]]; then
39 for MUL in $MULS[*]; do
41 set_variable DIR $WORKDIR/mul=$MUL
46 # set varibales in script
48 set_variable ACOUSTICS_MUL $MUL
50 nohup $SCRIPT >& all.log &
54 if [[ $OPTION == "plot" || $OPTION == "fit
" ]]; then
56 set_variable ACOUSTICS_ZMUL_TXT ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/acoustics-zmul.txt
57 set_variable ACOUSTICS_ZMUL_ROOT ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/acoustics-zmul.root
59 rm -f $ACOUSTICS_ZMUL_TXT >& /dev/null
61 for MUL in $MULS[*]; do
63 set_variable DIR $WORKDIR/mul=$MUL
64 set_variable FILE `ls $DIR/stage-(1|A).log`
66 tail -1 $FILE | grep "Elapsed time
" >& /dev/null
68 if (( $? == 0 )); then
70 set_array RESULT `grep -v "warning
" $FILE | tail -2 | head -1`
72 printf "%4.1e %6.3f\n
80 XMIN=`sort -k1g $ACOUSTICS_ZMUL_TXT | head -1 | awk '{ print $1 }'`
81 XMAX=`sort -k1g $ACOUSTICS_ZMUL_TXT | tail -1 | awk '{ print $1 }'`
83 let "XMIN = $XMIN - 1.0e-3
84 let "XMAX = $XMAX + 1.0e-3
86 if [[ $OPTION == "fit
" ]]; then
88 sort -gr -k2gr $ACOUSTICS_ZMUL_TXT | tail -1 | read X Y
91 -f ${ACOUSTICS_ZMUL_ROOT}:\.\* \
92 -o ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/fit.root \
100 set_array P2 `JPrintFit -f ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/fit.root:\.\* -@p2`
102 printf "Optimal stretching factor %8.2e\n
" $P2[1]
104 mv ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/fit.root $ACOUSTICS_ZMUL_ROOT
109 -f $ACOUSTICS_ZMUL_ROOT:\.\* \
then usage $script< option > nPossible plot
*fatal Wrong number of arguments
*fatal Wrong option $OPTION
Initial value:=${0##*/}
if [ -z $JPP_DIR ]
Definition at line 2 of file acoustics-Zmul.sh.