92 virtual const unsigned char*
const {
return NULL; }
111 static const unsigned int Length() {
return 32; }
124 out <<
"frameSize " <<
object.frameSize << endl;
125 out <<
"dataType " <<
object.dataType << endl;
126 out <<
"frameTarget " <<
object.frameTarget << endl;
127 out <<
"frameTime1 " <<
object.frameTime1 << endl;
128 out <<
"frameTime2 " <<
object.frameTime2 << endl;
129 out <<
"frameIndex " <<
object.frameIndex << endl;
130 out <<
"status " <<
object.status << endl;
131 out <<
"nbItems " <<
object.nbItems << endl;
132 out <<
"LCM_ID " <<
object.LCM_ID << endl;
133 out <<
"ARS_ID " <<
object.ARS_ID << endl;
134 out <<
"runNumber " <<
object.runNumber << endl;
virtual const unsigned int getdatalen() const
Return the length of the frame data buffer.
virtual const unsigned char * getdata() const
Return a pointer to the frame data buffer.
static const unsigned int Length()
Return length of an encoded frame preamble in bytes.
unsigned short nbItems
Number of items actually sent in this frame.
const unsigned short ars_id() const
get ARS idendifier
Construct an empty preamble object.
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &out, const DaqFramePreamble &object)
Print ASCII.
then echo The file $DIR KM3NeT_00000001_00000000 root already please rename or remove it first
unsigned short ARS_ID
ID of originating ARS.
const unsigned short lcm_id() const
get LCM idendifier
This object holds the information from the 'preamble' of a data frame.
bool operator==(Packet const &p, ID const &id)
unsigned short LCM_ID
ID of originating LCM.
unsigned int frameTime2
Frame 'time stamp' in units of 50ns (LSW)
unsigned int frameSize
Total length of the frame in 4-byte words.
unsigned int runNumber
Run-number as given by the RunControl.
unsigned short frameTarget
Unique code representing the shore station for this frame.
virtual ~DaqFramePreamble()
unsigned int frameIndex
Number of frames since start of the run.
unsigned int frameTime1
Frame 'time stamp' in units of 50ns (MSW)
unsigned short status
Status of frame Xon/Xoff.
ClassDef(DaqFramePreamble, 2)
const unsigned short data_type() const
get data type
const unsigned short numberOfItems() const
get number of items
bool operator!=(const JTag &first, const JTag &second)
Not equal operator for JTag.
unsigned short dataType
Data type code (DAQ_xxx)