12 namespace JPP {
using namespace JFIT; }
75 double getP(
const double E_GeV)
77 return this->
getP(E_GeV, this->
getN() > 0);
double getChi2(const double E_GeV) const
Get chi2.
double getChi2(const double E_GeV, const bool hit) const
Get chi2 for observing a hit or not as a function of shower energy.
double getP(const double E_GeV, const bool hit) const
Get probability for observing a hit or not as a function of shower energy.
double getP(const double E_GeV) const
Get shower energy dependent probability.
size_t getN() const
Get number of hits.
JShowerNPEHit(const JShowerNPE &npe, const size_t n)
Auxiliary class for simultaneously handling light yields and response of PMT.
Default constructor.
Auxiliary class for handling EM shower light yield.
double getP() const
Get probability.