78 typedef JRange<time_t> JRange_t;
93 JParser<> zap(
"Auxiliary program to decompose detector to separate calibrations.");
99 zap[
'a'] =
"detector file");
104 &JCalibrationType::nick_name));
105 zap[
'V'] =
"validity range UTC [s], e.g. \"<UTC min> <UTC max>\"") = JRange_t(UTC_INVALID_S, UTC_INVALID_S);
106 zap[
'r'] =
"run range e.g. \"<first run> <last run>\"") = JRange_t(RUN_INVALID, RUN_INVALID);
107 zap[
'p'] =
"precision for match with reference module") = 1.0e-5;
112 catch(
const exception &error) {
113 FATAL(error.what() << endl);
123 catch(
const JException& error) {
128 FATAL(
"No detector address map for detector identier " <<
detector.getID() << endl);
144 for (JPersons
object; rs >> object; ) {
153 for (JDetectors
object; rs >> object; ) {
154 locid =
161 if (
range.getLowerLimit() != RUN_INVALID && validity.getLowerLimit() == UTC_INVALID_S) {
165 for (JRuns
object; rs >> object; ) {
166 validity.setLowerLimit(
object.UNIXJOBSTART / 1000);
172 if (
range.getUpperLimit() != RUN_INVALID && validity.getUpperLimit() == UTC_INVALID_S) {
176 for (JRuns
object; rs >> object; ) {
177 validity.setUpperLimit(
object.UNIXJOBEND / 1000);
183 catch(
const exception& error) {
184 FATAL(error.what() << endl);
190 for (JDetector::const_iterator module =
detector.begin(); module !=
detector.end(); ++module) {
192 if (module->getFloor() != 0) {
194 JModule buffer = demo.getModule(module->getID(), module->getLocation());
200 if (!JModule::compare(buffer, *module, precision)) {
201 FATAL(
"Module " << setw(10) << module->getID() <<
' ' << module->getLocation() <<
" incompatible with reference." << endl);
211 {
EndTime_t, JDateAndTime(
true).toString() },
229 for (JDetector::const_iterator module =
detector.begin(); module !=
detector.end(); ++module) {
230 for (JModule::const_iterator pmt = module->begin(); pmt != module->end(); ++pmt) {
231 data.push_back(JPMTCalibration_t(pmt->getID(),
getCalibration(JCalibration(), *pmt)));
245 for (JDetector::const_iterator module =
detector.begin(); module !=
detector.end(); ++module) {
247 const JModule& buffer = demo.getModule(module->getID(), module->getLocation());
249 if (buffer.getFloor() == 0)
250 data[0].push_back(JModulePosition_t(module->getID(),
getPosition(buffer, *module)));
252 data[1].push_back(JModulePosition_t(module->getID(),
getPosition(buffer, *module)));
266 for (JDetector::const_iterator module =
detector.begin(); module !=
detector.end(); ++module) {
268 const JModule& buffer = demo.getModule(module->getID(), module->getLocation());
270 if (module->getFloor() != 0) {
271 data.push_back(JModuleRotation_t(module->getID(),
getRotation(buffer, *module)));
285 for (JDetector::const_iterator module =
detector.begin(); module !=
detector.end(); ++module) {
287 if (module->getFloor() == 0)
288 data[0].push_back(JModuleCalibration_t(module->getID(), module->getT0()));
290 data[1].push_back(JModuleCalibration_t(module->getID(), module->getT0()));
304 for (JDetector::const_iterator module =
detector.begin(); module !=
detector.end(); ++module) {
305 if (module->getFloor() == 0)
306 data[0].push_back(JCompassRotation_t(module->getID(), module->getQuaternion()));
308 data[1].push_back(JCompassRotation_t(module->getID(), module->getQuaternion()));
325 for (JDetector::const_iterator module =
detector.begin(); module !=
detector.end(); ++module) {
326 for (JModule::const_iterator pmt = module->begin(); pmt != module->end(); ++pmt) {
327 data.push_back(JPMTStatus_t(pmt->getID(), pmt->getStatus()));
336 for (JDetector::const_iterator module =
detector.begin(); module !=
detector.end(); ++module) {
337 if (module->getFloor() == 0)
338 data[0].push_back(JModuleStatus_t(module->getID(), module->getStatus()));
340 data[1].push_back(JModuleStatus_t(module->getID(), module->getStatus()));
static const std::string Arguments_t
Utility class to parse command line options.
static const std::string DOMStatusInfo_t
static const std::string Code_t
static const std::string UserId_t
static const std::string EndTime_t
static const std::string ACAL
acoustic time offsets (piezo sensor or hydrophone)
static const std::string CCAL
compass alignment (a.k.a. quaternion calibration)
static const std::string PMTT0s_t
bool hasDetectorAddressMap(const int id)
Check if detector address map is available.
static const std::string Error_t
std::vector< JModuleRotation_t > JModuleRotation
Module rotation.
static JRotation getRotation
Function object to get rotation matrix to go from first to second module.
JCalibration getCalibration(const JCalibration &first, const JCalibration &second)
Get calibration to go from first to second calibration.
static const std::string BaseStatusInfo_t
std::vector< JCompassRotation_t > JCompassRotation
Compass rotation.
static const std::string ValidFrom_t
static const std::string TCAL
PMT time offsets.
static const std::string Comment_t
static const std::string ValidThrough_t
#define make_field(A,...)
macro to convert parameter to JParserTemplateElement object
const array_type< JValue_t > & make_array(const JValue_t(&array)[N])
Method to create array of values.
void store(const std::string &file_name, const JDetector &detector)
Store detector to output file.
JPosition3D getPosition(const Vec &pos)
Get position.
static const std::string StartTime_t
static const std::string DOMPositions_t
Auxiliary data structure for streaming of STL containers.
static const std::string RCAL
optical module orientations
static const std::string DOMCompassRotations_t
static const std::string Message_t
static const std::string DetOID_t
std::string setWildCard(const std::string &file_name, const std::string &value)
Get file name by setting wild card to given value.
z range($ZMAX-$ZMIN)< $MINIMAL_DZ." fi fi typeset -Z 4 STRING typeset -Z 2 FLOOR JPlot1D -f $
std::vector< JModuleStatus_t > JModuleStatus
Module status.
then JCookie sh JDataQuality D $DETECTOR_ID R
static const std::string Data_t
void load(const std::string &file_name, JDetector &detector)
Load detector from input file.
static const std::string SCAL
(module|PMT) status
std::vector< JPMTStatus_t > JPMTStatus
PMT status.
static const std::string BasePositions_t
ResultSet & getResultSet(const std::string &query)
Get result set.
static const std::string DOMRotations_t
std::vector< JServer > getServernames()
Get list of names of available database servers.
static const std::string LocationId_t
const char * getName()
Get ROOT name of given data type.
static const std::string BaseCompassRotations_t
std::vector< JModulePosition_t > JModulePosition
Module position.
do set_variable DETECTOR_TXT $WORKDIR detector
static const std::string PMTStatusInfo_t
static const std::string PCAL
(optical|base) module positions
JDetectorBuilder & getDetectorBuilder()
Get detector builder.
static const char FILENAME_WILDCARD
wild card character for file name substitution
JSON::getCalibrationType getCalibrationType
static const std::string DOMAcousticT0_t
std::vector< JPMTCalibration_t > JPMTCalibration
PMT time calibration.
static const std::string TypeId_t
static const std::string BaseAcousticT0_t
std::vector< JModuleCalibration_t > JModuleCalibration
Module time calibration.
static const std::string OK_t
bool hasWildCard(const std::string &file_name)
Check presence of wild card.