51 using namespace KM3NETDAQ;
67 JParser<> zap(
"Monitoring of PMT time-over-threshold distributions.");
69 zap[
'f'] =
"input file.");
71 zap[
'n'] =
make_field(numberOfEvents) = JLimit::max();
72 zap[
'a'] =
"detector file.");
74 zap[
'c'] =
"maximal cosine space angle between PMT axes.") = 0.0;
76 zap[
'D'] =
"L0 dead time (us)") = 10;
77 zap[
'C'] =
"timeslice selector, e.g. JDAQTimesliceL1.") = getROOTClassSelection<JDAQTimesliceTypes_t>();
78 zap[
'O'] =
"hit pre-processing option.") = JPreprocessor::getOptions();
83 catch(
const exception &error) {
84 FATAL(error.what() << endl);
92 if (!T_ns.is_valid()) {
"Invalid time window [ns] " << T_ns << endl);
96 if (selector == JDAQTimeslice ::Class_Name() ||
97 selector == JDAQTimesliceL1::Class_Name()) {
105 FATAL(
"No trigger parameters from input." << endl);
108 if ((selector == JDAQTimeslice ::Class_Name() && parameters.writeL1.prescale > 0) ||
109 (selector == JDAQTimesliceL1::Class_Name())) {
111 if (parameters.TMaxLocal_ns < T_ns.getUpperLimit()) {
112 FATAL(
"Option -T <T_ns> = " << T_ns.getUpperLimit() <<
" is larger than in the trigger " << parameters.TMaxLocal_ns << endl);
117 if (!multiplicity.is_valid()) {
"Invalid multiplicity " << multiplicity << endl); }
118 if ( multiplicity.getLowerLimit() < 1) {
"Invalid multiplicity " << multiplicity << endl); }
134 FATAL(
"Empty detector." << endl);
143 const double zmin = -0.5;
144 const double zmax = 256.5;
145 const int nz = (int) ((zmax-zmin) / 1.0);
155 const double deadTime_ns = deadTime_us * 1e3;
166 for (
counter_type counter = 0;
in.hasNext() && counter != inputFile.getLimit(); ++counter) {
"event: " << setw(10) << counter <<
180 for (JDAQTimeslice::const_iterator frame = timeslice->begin(); frame != timeslice->end(); ++frame) {
182 if (router.hasModule(frame->getModuleID())) {
184 TH2D* h2 = manager[frame->getModuleID()];
185 const JModule& module = router.getModule(frame->getModuleID());
187 JSuperFrame2D_t& buffer = JSuperFrame2D_t::demultiplex(*frame, module);
189 buffer.preprocess(option, match);
191 JSuperFrame1D_t&
data = JSuperFrame1D_t::multiplex(buffer);
195 for (JSuperFrame1D_t::const_iterator p = data.begin(); p != data.end(); ) {
197 JSuperFrame1D_t::const_iterator q = p;
201 double ct_max = -1.0;
202 double dt_min = numeric_limits<double>::max();
204 while (++q != data.end() && q->getT() - p->getT() < T_ns.getUpperLimit()) {
207 const double dt = q->getT() - p->getT();
218 if (multiplicity(
distance(p,q)) && ct_max < ctMax && dt_min > T_ns.getLowerLimit()) {
220 for (JSuperFrame1D_t::const_iterator
i = p;
i != q; ++
i) {
222 if (
i->getT() > t0[
i->getPMT()] + deadTime_ns) {
223 h2->Fill(
226 t0[
i->getPMT()] =
Utility class to parse command line options.
Data structure for a composite optical module.
std::vector< T >::difference_type distance(typename std::vector< T >::const_iterator first, typename PhysicsEvent::const_iterator< T > second)
Specialisation of STL distance.
int getDetectorID() const
Get detector identifier.
double getDot(const JNeutrinoDirection &first, const JNeutrinoDirection &second)
Dot product.
Auxiliary class to select ROOT class based on class name.
Router for direct addressing of module data in detector data structure.
*fatal Wrong number of arguments esac JCookie sh typeset Z DETECTOR typeset Z SOURCE_RUN typeset Z TARGET_RUN set_variable PARAMETERS_FILE $WORKDIR parameters
Make C-string.
Long64_t counter_type
Type definition for counter.
Auxiliary class for multiplexing object iterators.
int getRunNumber() const
Get run number.
1-dimensional frame with time calibrated data from one optical module.
Auxiliary class for defining the range of iterations of objects.
Auxiliary class to manage set of compatible ROOT objects (e.g. histograms) using unique keys...
Reduced data structure for L0 hit.
#define make_field(A,...)
macro to convert parameter to JParserTemplateElement object
bool putObject(TDirectory &dir, const TObject &object)
Write object to ROOT directory.
const JPMT & getPMT(const int index) const
Get PMT.
void load(const std::string &file_name, JDetector &detector)
Load detector from input file.
General purpose class for object reading from a list of file names.
then fatal The output file must have the wildcard in the e g root fi eval JPrintDetector a $DETECTOR O IDENTIFIER eval JPrintDetector a $DETECTOR O SUMMARY JAcoustics sh $DETECTOR_ID source JAcousticsToolkit sh CHECK_EXIT_CODE typeset A EMITTERS get_tripods $WORKDIR tripod txt EMITTERS get_transmitters $WORKDIR transmitter txt EMITTERS for EMITTER in
static const char *const _2SToT
Histogram naming.
2-dimensional frame with time calibrated data from one optical module.
const JLimit & getLimit() const
Get limit.
do set_variable DETECTOR_TXT $WORKDIR detector
static const int NUMBER_OF_PMTS
Total number of PMTs in module.
Auxiliary class for specifying the way of pre-processing of hits.
JTriggerParameters getTriggerParameters(const JMultipleFileScanner_t &file_list)
Get trigger parameters.
#define DEBUG(A)
Message macros.