Evaluation of fit.
1390 using namespace std;
1391 using namespace JPP;
1428 I_t(
const JModel& model,
const int pmt) :
1434 const int index = model.
1455 for (data_type::const_iterator ix = data.begin(); ix != data.end(); ++ix) {
1464 const JGauss
gauss(real.t0, real.sigma, real.signal);
1470 I_t(
value, pair.second));
1472 for (
const rate_type& iy : ix->second) {
1475 const JGauss& R2p =
1477 const double R = real.background + R1 * (
cc() + R2);
1501 for (buffer_type::const_iterator row = buffer.begin(); row != buffer.end(); ++row) {
1503 Y[row->first] += row->second;
1505 V[row->first][row->first] += row->second * row->second;
1507 for (buffer_type::const_iterator col = buffer.begin(); col != row; ++col) {
1508 V[row->first][col->first] += row->second * col->second;
1509 V[col->first][row->first] =
Data structure for measured coincidence rate of pair of PMTs.
const real_type & getReal(const pair_type &pair) const
Get derived parameters.
JParameter_t t0
time offset [ns]
JParameter_t R
maximal coincidence rate [Hz]
static const int INVALID_INDEX
invalid index
const JK40Parameters_t & getGradient(const double ct) const
Get gradient.
static const JPBS_t PMT(3, 4, 2, 3)
PBS of photo-multiplier tube (PMT)
double getDerivative() const
Get derivative of value.
int getIndex() const
Get index of PMT used for fixed time offset.
JMatrixND & reset()
Set matrix to the null matrix.
std::vector< JHitW0 > buffer_type
double dt_ns
time difference [ns]
JParameter_t bg
background [Hz/ns]
JParameter_t QE
relative quantum efficiency [unit]
JParameter_t p3
3rd order angle dependence coincidence rate
double error
error of rate [Hz/ns]
estimator_type estimator
M-Estimator function.
JParameter_t TTS
transition-time spread [ns]
JParameter_t p4
4th order angle dependence coincidence rate
then JCookie sh JDataQuality D $DETECTOR_ID R
then usage $script< input file >[option[primary[working directory]]] nWhere option can be N
bool isFree() const
Check if parameter is free.
JParameter_t p2
2nd order angle dependence coincidence rate
Auxiliary data structure for derived quantities of a given PMT pair.
then set_variable NUMBER_OF_TESTS else set_variable NUMBER_OF_TESTS fi function gauss()
double getValue(const pair_type &pair, const double dt_ns) const
Get K40 coincidence rate.
Fit parameters for two-fold coincidence rate due to K40.
JPMTParameters_t parameters[NUMBER_OF_PMTS]
double value
value of rate [Hz/ns]
JParameter_t p1
1st order angle dependence coincidence rate
JParameter_t cc
fraction of signal correlated background