Declaration of the member function that actually performs the reconstruction.
137 for (JEvt::const_iterator shower = in.begin(); shower != in.end(); ++shower) {
140 shower->getE(), 0.0);
146 for (JDataL0_t::const_iterator
i = dataL0.begin();
i != dataL0.end(); ++
i) {
149 top.insert(
160 for (JDetectorSubset_t::iterator module = subdetector.begin();
161 module != subdetector.end(); ++module) {
169 for (
unsigned int i = 0;
i != dom.size(); ++
i) {
173 frame[
i].is_valid() &&
179 const size_t count = top.count(
181 buffer.push_back(
i), rate_Hz,
186 this->step.resize(2);
190 double f_h = 1 - 0.681 * (
std::pow(shower->getE()/0.863, -0.207));
193 log10(sh.getE()),
log10(f_h*sh.getE()), sh.getBjY()),
194 buffer.begin(), buffer.end());
196 double NDF =
getCount(buffer.begin(), buffer.end()) - this->step.size();
198 JShower3EY sh_fit(this->value.getPosition(), this->value.getDirection(),
199 this->value.getT(),
correct(this->value.getEem() + this->value.getEh()), this->value.getBy());
201 double y =
getFinalBjY(this->value.getEem(), this->value.getEh());
203 sh_fit.rotate_back(
205 sh_fit.add(sh.getPosition());
208 NDF, sh_fit.getE()));
210 out.rbegin()->setW(5, y);
211 out.rbegin()->setW(6, this->value.getEem());
212 out.rbegin()->setW(7, this->value.getEh());
Data structure for direction in three dimensions.
Data structure for a composite optical module.
const JModuleRouter & router
Template specialisation of L0 builder for JHitL0 data type.
Auxiliary class for handling PMT geometry, rate and response.
size_t getCount(const array_type< T > &buffer, const JCompare_t &compare)
Count number of unique values.
Data structure for vertex fit.
double getRate() const
Get default rate.
then usage $script< input file >[option] nPossible options count
JFit getFit(const JHistory &history, const JTrack3D &track, const double Q, const int NDF, const double energy=0.0, const int status=SINGLE_STAGE)
Get fit.
const JDAQSummaryFrame & getSummaryFrame() const
Get default summary frame.
3D track with energy and Bjorken Y.
double getQuality(const double chi2, const int N, const int NDF)
Get quality of fit.
double fit_step
simplex initial step
const JSummaryRouter & summary
Data structure for vector in three dimensions.
set_variable E_E log10(E_{fit}/E_{#mu})"
Data storage class for rate measurements of all PMTs in one module.
static JTimeRange T_ns
Time window with respect to Cherenkov hypothesis [ns].
static const int PMT_DISABLE
KM3NeT Data Definitions v3.4.0-8-ge14cb17
T pow(const T &x, const double y)
Power .
JDirection3D getDirection(const JFit &fit)
Get direction.
static const int JSHOWER_BJORKEN_Y
Detector subset without binary search functionality.
Data structure for fit of straight line in positive z-direction with energy.
then JCookie sh JDataQuality D $DETECTOR_ID R
bool getPMTStatus(const JStatus &status)
Test status of PMT.
const JClass_t & getReference() const
Get reference to object.
double getFinalBjY(double E_em, double E_h)
then if[[!-f $DETECTOR]] then JDetector sh $DETECTOR fi cat $WORKDIR trigger_parameters txt<< EOFtrigger3DMuon.enabled=1;trigger3DMuon.numberOfHits=5;trigger3DMuon.gridAngle_deg=1;ctMin=0.0;TMaxLocal_ns=15.0;EOF set_variable TRIGGEREFFICIENCY_TRIGGERED_EVENTS_ONLY INPUT_FILES=() for((i=1;$i<=$NUMBER_OF_RUNS;++i));do $DETECTOR $JPP_DATA/genhen.km3net_wpd_V2_0.evt.gz $WORKDIR/sirene_ ${i}.root $DETECTOR $DETECTOR $WORKDIR/sirene_ ${i}.root $WORKDIR/trigger_efficiency_ ${i}.root $WORKDIR/trigger_parameters.txt $JPP_DATA/PMT_parameters.txt INPUT_FILES+=($WORKDIR/trigger_efficiency_ ${i}.root) done for ANGLE_DEG in $ANGLES_DEG[*];do set_variable SIGMA_NS 3.0 set_variable OUTLIERS 3 set_variable OUTPUT_FILE $WORKDIR/matrix\[${ANGLE_DEG}\deg\].root $JPP_DIR/examples/JReconstruction-f"$INPUT_FILES[*]"-o $OUTPUT_FILE-S ${SIGMA_NS}-A ${ANGLE_DEG}-O ${OUTLIERS}-d ${DEBUG}--!fiif[[$OPTION=="plot"]];then if((0));then for H1 in h0 h1;do JPlot1D-f"$WORKDIR/matrix["${^ANGLES_DEG}" deg].root:${H1}"-y"1 2e3"-Y-L TR-T""-\^"number of events [a.u.]"-> o chi2
JPosition3D getPosition(const JFit &fit)
Get position.
bool getDAQStatus(const JDAQFrameStatus &frame, const JStatus &status)
Test status of DAQ.
Template specialisation of class JModel to match hit with bright point.
double roadWidth_m
road width [m]
Data structure for normalised vector in positive z-direction.
const JShowerEnergyCorrection & correct