6 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 # Utility script for zsh library functions.
10 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
15 if [[
"$DEBUG" ==
"" ]];
20 export DEFAULT_OPTION=-- #
default option
24 # Wild card for any valid detector identifier or run number; to be used as ${~ANY}.
26 export ANY_ID=
28 export
36 export
y}{\ \ %
H:%M}}%F1970-01-01\ 00:00:00
38 # Array of variable set / unset with set_variable / unset_variable (see below).
40 typeset -
43 # Array of variables with default values defined with set_variable: or set_variable+ (see below).
45 typeset -
55 function error() {
if (( $DEBUG >= 0 ));
then echo -e $RED`date`
fi }
56 function notice() {
if (( $DEBUG >= 1 ));
then echo -e `date`
fi }
57 function status() {
if (( $DEBUG >= 2 ));
then echo -e `date`
fi }
63 # Method to check for usage of script.
65 # \param 1-N list of command line options
66 # \return 0 for option -h; else 1
70 for variable
in $*;
71 if [[
"$variable" ==
"-h!" ]];
76 for variable in $*;
77 if [[
"$variable" ==
"-h" ||
"$variable" ==
"-h!" ]];
87 # Method to print usage of script and exit.
95 if (( $DEBUG >= 3 ));
96 print_array UDEF_VARIABLES
104 # Method to print environment variables.
114 # The last parameter refers to the exit code.
119 function check_exit_code()
131 # check exit code alias
133 alias CHECK_EXIT_CODE=
"check_exit_code \$0 \$* \$?"
139 # \param 1 first value
140 # \param 2 second value
142 function test_equality
144 if [[
"$1" !=
"$2" ]];
153 # Method to check if inside a conda env.
157 if [ -
n "${CONDA_PREFIX+1}" ];
166 # Method to check for CC Lyon.
168 # \return 1 for CC Lyon; else 0
174 if [[ -
n "${LOCALHOST}" &&
"${LOCALHOST:0:2}" =
"cc" ]];
182 # Method to check if the local host corresponds to one of the Nikhef computer clusters
184 # \return 1 if local host corresponds to one of the Nikhef computer clusters; else false
186 function is_CCNikhef()
190 if [[ -
n "${LOCALHOST}" &&
"${LOCALHOST:0:4}" ==
"stbc" ]];
199 # Method to define variable.
203 function define_variable()
207 eval export $variable
212 # Method to set variable.
213 # Note that a value equal to $DEFAULT_OPTION will not modify the variable.
216 # \param 2-N value(s)
223 if [[
"$*" !=
224 eval export $variable=\
227 eval ULIB_VARIABLES\[$variable\]=\"\$${variable}\"
232 # Method to set variable.
233 # The second variable corresponds to a possible default value.
234 # If this variable is defined, the first variable is set to its value
235 # else to the given value(s).
239 # \param 3-N value(s)
241 function set_variable:()
249 eval value=\"\${$optional:-"$*
251 set_variable $variable $value
253 UDEF_VARIABLES[$variable]="$optional -> $value
258 # Method to set variable.
259 # The second variable corresponds to a possible default value.
260 # If this variable is defined, the first variable is set to the given value(s)
261 # else to an empty value.
265 # \param 3-N value(s)
267 function set_variable+()
275 eval value=\"\${$optional+"$*
277 set_variable $variable $value
279 UDEF_VARIABLES[$variable]="$optional -> $value
284 # Method to locally set variable.
285 # Note that a value equal to $DEFAULT_OPTION will not modify the variable.
288 # \param 2-N value(s)
290 function set_local_variable()
295 if [[ "$*
" ]]; then
296 eval $variable=\"$\*\"
302 # Method to unset variable.
306 function unset_variable()
311 eval unset \"ULIB_VARIABLES\[$variable\]\"
316 # Method to print variables.
318 # \param 1-N list of variables
320 function print_variable()
322 for variable in $*; do
323 eval value=\${$variable}
324 printf "%-20s = %
s\n" ${variable} "${value}
330 # Method to print associative array.
334 function print_array()
340 eval keys=\(\${\(@k\)$array}\)
343 if (( ${#key} > $len )); then
349 eval printf \"%-${len}s = %s\\n\" $key \"\$${array}\[$key\]\"
355 # Method to check validity of variables.
357 # \param 1-N list of variables
359 function check_variable()
361 for variable in $*; do
362 eval value=$+${variable}
363 if (( ${value} == 0 )); then
364 fatal "Variable ${variable} not defined.
371 # Method to set array.
373 # \param 1 array name
381 eval $variable=\($\*\)
386 # Method to expand array.
388 # Tokens <first>-<last> in the array are exanded to <first> <first + 1> .. <last>
390 # \param 1 array name
392 function expand_array()
394 eval __BUFFER__=\(\$$1\[\*\]\)
398 for RANGE in $__BUFFER__[*]; do
399 for (( i = ${RANGE%%-*}; $i <= ${RANGE##*-}; i += 1 )); do
407 # Method to count directory in ':' separated path list.
412 function count_directory()
417 echo -n $key | tr ":
" "\n" | grep "^${value}$
" | wc -w
422 # Method to remove directory from ':' separated path list.
427 function remove_directory()
432 if [[ -n "$key
" && -n "$value
" ]]; then
433 export $1=`echo $key | tr ":
" "\n" | grep -v "^${value}$
" | tr "\n" ":
" | sed 's/:\$//'`
439 # Method to remove variable from ':' separated path list.
444 function remove_variable()
449 if [[ -n "$key
" && -n "$value
" ]]; then
450 remove_directory $1 $value
456 # Method to insert directory into ':' separated path list.
461 function insert_directory()
465 if [[ -z "$key
" ]]; then
467 elif (( `echo -n $key | tr ":
" "\n" | grep "^${2}$
" | wc -w` == 0 )); then
474 # Method to check process path.
476 # \param 1-N list of process names
478 function check_process()
480 for process in $*; do
482 local bin=`which $process 2>& /dev/null`
483 debug "Check process ${process}=${bin}
485 if [ -z "${bin}
" ]; then
486 fatal "Process ${process} not found.
493 # Method to check file access.
495 # \param 1-N list of files
497 function check_input_file()
499 if (( $# == 0 )); then
500 fatal "No input
503 for file in `echo $*`; do
507 if [[ ! -f ${file} ]]; then
508 fatal "File ${
file} not found.
509 elif [[ ! -r ${file} ]]; then
510 fatal "File ${
file} not readable.
517 # Method to check file access.
519 # \param 1-N list of files
521 function check_output_file()
523 for file in `echo $*`; do
527 if [[ -f ${file} ]]; then
535 # Method to reuse file.
536 # Note that this method may require user interaction.
539 # \return 1 when absent; else 0
541 function reuse_file()
547 if [[ ! -f $1 ]]; then
556 # Get host IP address
558 function get_ip_address()
560 if [[ $(uname) == "Darwin
" ]]; then
561 arp $(hostname) | cut -d '(' -f 2 | cut -d ')' -f 1
563 hostname --all-ip-addresses | cut --delimiter=' ' -f1
569 # Get process identifier.
572 # \param process name
577 if (( $# == 1 )); then
580 if (( $# == 2 )); then
587 # Method to get least significant digit.
594 printf "%
f\n" `echo $1 | sed -n "s/[+-]\?\([0-9]*.\?[0-9]*\)[1-9]\([0]*.\?\)/\1
" | sed 's/[1-9]/0/g' | sed 's/A/1/'`
598 # Method to get time.
602 if [[ $(uname) == "Darwin
" ]]; then
610 # Method to start timer
612 function timer_start()
614 let "TIMER = $(get_time)
619 # Method to stop timer
621 function timer_stop()
623 let "TIMER = $(get_time) - $TIMER
628 # Method to print timer
630 function timer_print()
632 printf "Elapsed time %1.3f s.\n
637 # Method to print lap time
641 printf "Elapsed time %1.3f s.\n
" $(($(get_time) - $TIMER))
646 # Method to convert associative array to list of equations
648 # \param 1 associative array
650 function make_equation()
656 eval array=\(\${\(kv\)${1}}\)
660 for key
in ${(
661 echo -
n "$key = ${array[${key}]}; "
669 # Test if associative array has given key.
671 # \param 1 associative array
673 # \return 1 if present; else 0
684 # Make communication with process.
687 # - FD_O is the actual file descriptor for writing to actual process and
688 # - FD_I is the actual file descriptor for reading from process.
690 # \param 1 process name
691 # \param 2-N optional argument(s)
701 FIFO_O=/tmp/${PROCESS}_writing.$$ # named pipe
for writing
702 FIFO_I=/tmp/${PROCESS}_reading.$$ # named pipe
for reading
707 mkfifo $FIFO_O # create
a new FIFO
708 mkfifo $FIFO_I # create
a new FIFO
710 eval
"exec {FD_O}<>$FIFO_O" # attach
file descriptor to
711 eval
"exec {FD_I}<>$FIFO_I" # attach
file descriptor to
713 # launch process in background and cleanup afterwards
725 # Remove communication with process.
727 # \param 1
file descriptor
for writing to process
731 if (( $# == 0 ));
742 # Write to attachted prcess.
750 # Read from attachted prcess.
754 eval
read $* \<\& $FD_I
759 # alias to kill all child processes at exit of parent process
761 alias kill_child_processes_at_exit=
"trap 'kill_child_processes $$' EXIT"
765 # recursively kill child processes for given parent identifier.
767 # \param 1 parent identifier
769 kill_child_processes()
773 for child
in `ps --ppid $pid -ho
774 kill_child_processes $child
777 if (( $pid != $$ ));
778 kill -9 $pid >& /dev/
783 alias sftpget=
784 alias sftpput=
then usage $script< detector identifier >< startdate\"YYYY-MM-DDHH:MM:SS\"><finaldate\"YYYY-MM-DDHH:MM:SS\"><QA/QCfile> fi case set_variable QAQC_TXT $argv[4]
then fatal No hydrophone data file $HYDROPHONE_TXT fi sort gr k
std::istream & read(std::istream &in, JTestSummary &summary, const char delimiter= ' ')
Read test summary.
then usage $script[< detector identifier >< run range >]< QA/QCfile > nExample script to produce data quality plots nWhen a detector identifier and run range are data are downloaded from the database nand subsequently stored in the given QA QC file
*fatal Wrong number of arguments
static const double H
Planck constant [eV s].
then echo Detector $DETECTOR aleady exists
then echo Variable JPP_DIR undefined exit fi source $JPP_DIR setenv sh $JPP_DIR &dev null set_variable
static const double PI
Mathematical constants.
then usage $script< directory A >< directoryB > nIn each directory
then fatal The output file must have the wildcard in the e g root fi eval JPrintDetector a $DETECTOR O IDENTIFIER eval JPrintDetector a $DETECTOR O SUMMARY JAcoustics sh $DETECTOR_ID source JAcousticsToolkit sh CHECK_EXIT_CODE typeset A EMITTERS get_tripods $WORKDIR tripod txt EMITTERS get_transmitters $WORKDIR transmitter txt EMITTERS for EMITTER in
then JHobbit a $DETECTOR f
static const char *const TIMESTAMP
Time stamp of earliest UTC time.
source $JPP_DIR setenv csh $JPP_DIR &dev null eval JShellParser o a A
*set_variable DETECTOR_FILE set_array INPUT_FILES $argv[2,-3] set_variable WORKDIR $argv[-2] set_variable PMT_PARAMETER_FILE $argv[-1] esac let TIMER
esac $JPP_BIN JLogger sh $LOGGER until pgrep JGetMessage</dev/null > dev null
#define DEBUG(A)
Message macros.