19 namespace JPP {
using namespace JROOT; }
103 object->actionAtFileRead();
171 if (
object != NULL) {
#define JTEST(__A__)
Test macro.
Auxiliary class to handle version management of given class at opening of a ROOT file.
static void execute(TFile *file, JBool< false > option)
Execute action.
static const bool has_method
true if class has policy method actionAtFileOpen; else false
static void execute(TFile *file, JBool< true > option)
Execute action.
static JTrue test(JTypecheck< void(*)(int), &U::actionAtFileOpen > *)
static void execute(TFile *file)
Execute action.
Auxiliary class to handle version management of given class at reading from a ROOT file.
static void execute(T *object)
Execute action.
static const bool has_method
true if class has policy method actionAtFileRead; else false
static void execute(T *object, JBool< false > option)
Execute action.
static JTrue test(JTypecheck< void(U::*)(), &U::actionAtFileRead > *)
static void execute(T *object, JBool< true > option)
Execute action.
This name space includes all other name spaces (except KM3NETDAQ, KM3NET and ANTARES).
Auxiliary classes and methods for ROOT I/O.
void actionAtFileRead(T *object)
General action method at file read.
int getStreamerVersion(TFile *file, const char *const name)
Get ROOT streamer version of class with given name.
void actionAtFileOpen(TFile *file)
General action method at file open.
Auxiliary template class for type bool.
Auxiliary class for type checking.
Auxiliary base class for compile time evaluation of test.
static JFalse test(...)
default false