Jpp test-rotations-old
the software that should make you happy
No Matches
JMath Directory Reference

 Auxiliary program to print random a number according Poisson statistics or the Poisson probability.
 Example program to test Legendre polynome.
 Example program to test zero values (JMATH::zero).
 Example program to test user class with arithmetic capabilities (based on class JMATH::JMath).
 Test application of consistency between ROOT and C++ or Jpp functions.
 Example program to test inversion of symmetric matrix.
 Example program to test inversion of symmetric matrix.
 Example program to test inversion of symmetric matrix.
 Example program to test inversion of symmetric matrix.
 Example program to test inversion of symmetric matrix.
 Example program to test matrix operations.
 Example program to test inversion of symmetric matrix.
 Example program to test polynome.
 Example program to test zero values (JMATH::zero).