struct | JAbstractMinimiser |
| Abstract minimiser. More...
struct | JAbstractRegressor |
| Abstract class for global fit method. More...
class | JAtmosphericMuon |
| Auxiliary class to evaluate atmospheric muon hypothesis. More...
class | JEnergy |
| Data structure for fit of energy. More...
class | JEnergyCorrection |
| Auxiliary class for correction of energy determined by JEnergy.cc. More...
struct | JEstimator |
| Template definition of linear fit. More...
class | JEstimator< JLine1Z > |
| Linear fit of straight line parallel to z-axis to set of hits (objects with position and time). More...
class | JEstimator< JPoint3D > |
| Linear fit of crossing point (position) between axes (objects with position and direction). More...
class | JEstimator< JPoint4D > |
| Linear fit of bright point (position and time) between hits (objects with position and time). More...
struct | JEvent |
| Auxiliary class for historical event. More...
class | JEvt |
| Data structure for set of track fit results. More...
class | JFit |
| Data structure for track fit results. More...
class | JGandalf |
| Fit method based on the Levenberg-Marquardt method. More...
struct | JHistory |
| Container for historical events. More...
struct | JHitL1Comparator |
| Auxiliary class for permutations of L1 hits. More...
class | JHitW0 |
| Auxiliary class for a hit with background rate value. More...
struct | JK40 |
| Auxiliary class for converting various rates to expectation values of the number of hits within a given time interval. More...
struct | JK40Hit |
| Auxiliary class for simultaneously handling light yields and response of module. More...
class | JLine1Z |
| Data structure for fit of straight line paralel to z-axis. More...
class | JLine3EZ |
| Data structure for fit of straight line in positive z-direction with energy. More...
class | JLine3Z |
| Data structure for fit of straight line in positive z-direction. More...
class | JMatrixNZ |
| Determination of the co-variance matrix of hits for a track along z-axis (JFIT::JLine1Z). More...
struct | JMEstimator |
| Interface for maximum likelihood estimator (M-estimator). More...
struct | JMEstimatorLinear |
| Linear M-estimator. More...
struct | JMEstimatorLorentzian |
| Lorentzian M-estimator. More...
struct | JMEstimatorNormal |
| Normal M-estimator. More...
struct | JMEstimatorNull |
| Null M-estimator. More...
struct | JMEstimatorTukey |
| Tukey's biweight M-estimator. More...
struct | JModel |
| Auxiliary class to match data points with given model. More...
struct | JModel< JEnergy > |
| Template specialisation of class JModel to match hit with muon energy. More...
struct | JModel< JLine1Z > |
| Template specialisation of class JModel to match hit with muon trajectory along z-axis. More...
struct | JModel< JPoint4D > |
| Template specialisation of class JModel to match hit with bright point. More...
class | JMuonGandalf |
| class to handle Muon Gandalf reconstruction first, two other angular reconstructionS should be ran : JMuonPrefit and JMuonSimplex More...
struct | JMuonGandalfParameters_t |
struct | JMuonParameters |
class | JMuonPrefit |
| class to handle Prefit angular reconstruction. More...
struct | JMuonPrefitParameters_t |
| Data struct that holds the parameters for JMuonPrefit angular reconstruction This is part of the constructor parameters of JMuonPrefit
class | JMuonSimplex |
| class to handle the Simplex angular reconstruction. More...
struct | JMuonSimplexParameters_t |
struct | JNPE |
| Auxiliary class for handling various light yields. More...
struct | JNPEHit |
| Auxiliary class for simultaneously handling light yields and response of PMT. More...
class | JORCAShowerFit |
class | JORCAShowerPositionFit |
| class to handle the second step of the shower reconstruction, mainly dedicated for ORCA More...
class | JORCAShowerPrefit |
| class to handle first step of the shower reconstruction, mainly dedicated for ORCA More...
struct | JPMTW0 |
| Auxiliary class for handling PMT geometry, rate and response. More...
class | JPoint3D |
| Data structure for position fit. More...
class | JPoint4D |
| Data structure for vertex fit. More...
class | JPointing |
| Auxiliary class to compare fit results with respect to a reference direction (e.g. More...
struct | JQualitySorter |
| General purpose sorter of fit results. More...
struct | JRegressor |
| Template definition of a data regressor of given model. More...
struct | JRegressor< JEnergy > |
| Regressor function object for JEnergy fit. More...
struct | JRegressor< JLine3Z, JGandalf > |
| Regressor function object for JLine3Z fit using JGandalf minimiser. More...
struct | JRegressor< JLine3Z, JSimplex > |
| Regressor function object for JLine3Z fit using JSimplex minimiser. More...
struct | JRegressor< JPoint4D, JSimplex > |
| Regressor function object for JPoint4D fit using JSimplex minimiser. More...
struct | JRegressor< JShower3EZ, JSimplex > |
| Regressor function object for JShower3EZ fit using JSimplex minimiser. More...
class | JShower3EZ |
| Data structure for fit of straight line in positive z-direction with energy. More...
class | JShower3Z |
| Data structure for cascade in positive z-direction. More...
struct | JShowerFitParameters_t |
| struct that holds the Parameters used for JORCAShowerFit More...
struct | JShowerParameters |
struct | JShowerPositionFitParameters_t |
struct | JShowerPrefitParameters_t |
class | JSimplex |
| Simple fit method based on Powell's algorithm, see reference: Numerical Recipes in C++, W.H. More...
struct | JStart |
| Auxiliary class for start or end point evaluation. More...
class | JVectorNZ |
| Determination of the time residual vector of hits for a track along z-axis (JFIT::JLine1Z). More...
JPosition3D | getPosition (const JFit &fit) |
| Get position. More...
JDirection3D | getDirection (const JFit &fit) |
| Get direction. More...
JAxis3D | getAxis (const JFit &fit) |
| Get axis. More...
JTrack3E | getTrack (const JFit &fit) |
| Get track. More...
JFit | getFit (const JHistory &history, const JTrack3D &track, const double Q, const int NDF, const double energy=0.0, const int status=0) |
| Get fit. More...
JFit | getFit (const JHistory &history, const JLine1Z &track, const JAngle3D &angle, const double Q, const int NDF, const double energy=0.0, const int status=0) |
| Get fit. More...
double | getDot (const JFit &first, const JFit &second) |
| Get dot product. More...
double | getDot (const JFit &fit, const JDirection3D &dir) |
| Get dot product. More...
double | getQuality (const double chi2, const int NDF) |
| Get quality of fit. More...
double | getQuality (const double chi2) |
| Get quality of fit. More...
bool | qualitySorter (const JFit &first, const JFit &second) |
| Comparison of fit results. More...
bool | has_history (const JFit &fit, const int type) |
| Test whether given fit has specified history. More...
bool | has_history (const JFit &fit, const JRange< int > &range) |
| Test whether given fit has specified history. More...
bool | has_muon_prefit (const JFit &fit) |
| Test whether given fit has muon prefit in history. More...
bool | has_muon_simplex (const JFit &fit) |
| Test whether given fit has muon simplex in history. More...
bool | has_muon_gandalf (const JFit &fit) |
| Test whether given fit has muon gandalf in history. More...
bool | has_muon_energy (const JFit &fit) |
| Test whether given fit has muon energy in history. More...
bool | has_muon_start (const JFit &fit) |
| Test whether given fit has muon start in history. More...
bool | has_muon_fit (const JFit &fit) |
| Test whether given fit has muon fit in history. More...
bool | has_shower_prefit (const JFit &fit) |
| Test whether given fit has shower prefit in history. More...
bool | has_shower_positionfit (const JFit &fit) |
| Test whether given fit has shower position fit in history. More...
bool | has_shower_completefit (const JFit &fit) |
| Test whether given fit has shower complete fit in history. More...
bool | has_shower_fit (const JFit &fit) |
| Test whether given fit has shower fit in history. More...
template<class JTrackSelector_t > |
bool | has_reconstructed_track (const JEvt &evt, JTrackSelector_t selector) |
| Test whether given event has a track according selection. More...
bool | has_reconstructed_muon (const JEvt &evt) |
| Test whether given event has a track with muon reconstruction. More...
bool | has_reconstructed_shower (const JEvt &evt) |
| Test whether given event has a track with shower reconstruction. More...
template<class JTrackSelector_t , class JQualitySorter_t > |
const JFit & | get_best_reconstructed_track (const JEvt &evt, JTrackSelector_t selector, JQualitySorter_t comparator) |
| Get best reconstructed track. More...
const JFit & | get_best_reconstructed_muon (const JEvt &evt) |
| Get best reconstructed muon. More...
const JFit & | get_best_reconstructed_shower (const JEvt &evt) |
| Get best reconstructed shower. More...
int | getCount (const JHitL0 &hit) |
| Get hit count. More...
int | getCount (const JHitL1 &hit) |
| Get hit count. More...
int | getCount (const JHitR1 &hit) |
| Get hit count. More...
template<class T > |
int | getCount (T __begin, T __end) |
| Get hit count. More...
double | getP (const double expval, bool hit) |
| Get Poisson probability to observe a hit or not for given expectation value for the number of hits. More...
double | getP (const double expval, const unsigned int numberOfHits, const double precision=1.0e-5) |
| Get Poisson probability to observe given number of hits or more for the given expectation value for the number of hits. More...
double | getChi2 (const double P) |
| Get chi2 corresponding to given probability. More...
double | getChi2 (const double expval, bool hit) |
| Get chi2 to observe a hit or not for given expectation value for the number of hits. More...
template<class JModel_t , class JHit_t > |
double | getChi2 (const JModel_t &model, const JHit_t &hit, const double sigma) |
| Determine chi2 of a hit for a given model and time resolution. More...
template<class JModel_t , class T > |
double | getChi2 (const JModel_t &model, T __begin, T __end, const double sigma) |
| Determine chi2 of data for given model and time resolution. More...
double | getChi2 (const JVectorNZ &Y, const JMatrixNZ &V) |
| Determine chi2 using full covariance matrix. More...
template<class T > |
double | getChi2 (const JLine1Z &track, T __begin, T __end, const JMatrixNZ &V) |
| Determine chi2 of data for given track using full covariance matrix. More...
template<class T > |
double | getChi2 (const JLine1Z &track, T __begin, T __end, const double alpha, const double sigma) |
| Determine chi2 of data for given track and angular and time resolution. More...
double | getChi2 (const JVectorNZ &Y, const JMatrixNZ &V, const int i) |
| Determine difference between chi2 with and without hit using full covariance matrix. More...
template<class JModel_t , class JFit_t , class T > |
double | getChi2 (const JModel_t &model, const JFit_t &fit, T __begin, T __end) |
| Get chi2 of data for given model and fit function. More...
Auxiliary classes and methods for linear and iterative data regression.
- Author
- mdejong
mdejong, gmaggi
adomi, gmaggi
Class used for EM shower reconstruction in ORCA. It sets the optimal values for the shower position reconstruction. These values can be changed from command line if needed.