48 const int __status_3 = 0,
49 const int __status_4 = 0) :
364 return !(first == second);
static const JBits DAQ_UDP_RECEIVED_PACKETS(0, 15)
Mask of UDP received packets.
int countActiveChannels() const
Count active channels.
bool operator==(const JDAQChronometer &first, const JDAQChronometer &second)
Equal operator for DAQ chronometers.
Interface for binary output.
bool testTDCStatus() const
Test TDC status.
int countFIFOStatus() const
Count FIFO status.
void set(int &mask) const
Set bit in given bit mask.
int write(const int value) const
Write given value as bit mask.
int read(const int mask) const
Read given bit mask as value.
int getStatus() const
Get TDC and White Rabbit status.
static const JDAQFrameStatus & getInstance()
Get reference to unique instance of this class object.
bool hasUDPTrailer() const
Get UDP trailer status.
friend JWriter & operator<<(JWriter &, const JDAQFrameStatus &)
Write DAQ frame status to output.
bool testWhiteRabbitStatus() const
Test White Rabbit status.
int write(const int value) const
Write given value as bit mask.
static const JBits DAQ_FIFO(0, 30)
FIFO almost full bits.
int getUDPNumberOfReceivedPackets() const
Get number of received UDP packets.
bool testStatus() const
Test TDC and White Rabbit status.
size_t getSizeof< JDAQFrameStatus >()
Get size of type.
then echo The file $DIR KM3NeT_00000001_00000000 root already please rename or remove it first
esac $JPP_DIR examples JDetector JTransitTime o $OUTPUT_FILE n N $NPE T $TTS_NS d $DEBUG for HISTOGRAM in tts tt2 pmt
bool testFIFOStatus(const int tdc) const
Test FIFO status.
bool has(const int mask) const
Test bit mask.
int getUDPMaximalSequenceNumber() const
Get maximal sequence number of UDP packet.
int getDAQStatus() const
Get DAQ status.
ClassDefNV(JDAQFrameStatus, 1)
Interface for binary input.
static const JBit DAQ_UDP_TRAILER(31)
UDP trailer.
int getFIFOStatus() const
Get FIFO status.
bool has(const int mask) const
Test bit.
bool testHighRateVeto() const
Test high-rate veto status.
bool testHighRateVeto(const int tdc) const
Test high-rate veto status.
void setHighRateVeto(const int tdc, const bool value)
Set high-rate veto.
Auxiliary data structure for single bit.
friend JReader & operator>>(JReader &, JDAQFrameStatus &)
Read DAQ frame status from input.
int countHighRateVeto() const
Count high-rate veto status.
void setDAQFrameStatus(const JDAQFrameStatus &status)
Set DAQ frame status.
static const JBit DAQ_WHITE_RABBIT(31)
White Rabbit status.
JDAQFrameStatus(const int __daq, const int __status, const int __fifo, const int __status_3=0, const int __status_4=0)
alias put_queue eval echo n
static const JBits DAQ_UDP_SEQUENCE_NUMBER(16, 31)
Mask of UDP sequence number.
Default constructor.
KM3NeT DAQ constants, bit handling, etc.
bool operator!=(const JDAQChronometer &first, const JDAQChronometer &second)
Not-equal operator for DAQ chronometers.
static const int NUMBER_OF_PMTS
Total number of PMTs in module.
bool testDAQStatus() const
Test DAQ status of packets.
const JDAQFrameStatus & getDAQFrameStatus() const
Get DAQ frame status.
static const JBits DAQ_TDC(0, 30)
TDC high-rate veto status.
bool testFIFOStatus() const
Test FIFO status.