7 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 # Auxiliary script to print detector modules.
11 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 if [ -z $JPP_DIR ];
14 echo "Variable JPP_DIR undefined."
18 source $JPP_DIR/setenv.sh $JPP_DIR >& /dev/
21 usage "$script <detector file>"
26 *) fatal
"Wrong number of arguments";;
31 kill_child_processes_at_exit
37 for (( FLOOR = $FIRST_FLOOR; $FLOOR <= $LAST_FLOOR; FLOOR += 1 ));
43 printf
"(%04d,%02d) %10d\n" $STRING $FLOOR $MODULE
*fatal Wrong number of arguments esac source JAcousticsToolkit sh mkdir p $WORKDIR post calibration pushd $WORKDIR post calibration post calibration_D0ARCA021 sh $DIR popd set_variable DETECTOR $WORKDIR post calibration detector datx set_variable TRIPOD $WORKDIR post calibration tripod txt set_variable DETECTOR_INITIAL detector_initial datx expand_array RUNS mkdir p $HOMEDIR cd $HOMEDIR JDetectorDB D $DETECTOR_ID r $RUNS[1] V WW o $DETECTOR_INITIAL JEditDetector a $DETECTOR r o detector_tmp datx!eval JPrintDetector a $DETECTOR_INITIAL O SUMMARY
clean eval JPrintDetector a $DETECTOR O IDENTIFIER eval JPrintDetector a $DETECTOR O SUMMARY set_variable STRING
then usage eval JPrintDetector a $DETECTOR O IDENTIFIER eval JPrintDetector a $DETECTOR O SUMMARY JAcoustics sh $DETECTOR_ID JCanberra sh $DETECTOR $INPUT_FILES[*] $WORKDIR canberra[%\] root source JAcousticsToolkit sh CHECK_EXIT_CODE typeset A EMITTERS get_tripods $WORKDIR tripod txt EMITTERS get_transmitters $WORKDIR transmitter txt EMITTERS kill_child_processes_at_exit attach getModule a $DETECTOR typeset Z STRING typeset Z FLOOR for STRING in $STRINGS[*]
then fatal Invalid string $STRING
then echo Variable JPP_DIR undefined exit fi source $JPP_DIR setenv sh $JPP_DIR &dev null set_variable
then fatal The output file must have the wildcard in the e g root fi eval JPrintDetector a $DETECTOR O IDENTIFIER eval JPrintDetector a $DETECTOR O SUMMARY JAcoustics sh $DETECTOR_ID source JAcousticsToolkit sh CHECK_EXIT_CODE typeset A EMITTERS get_tripods $WORKDIR tripod txt EMITTERS get_transmitters $WORKDIR transmitter txt EMITTERS for EMITTER in
then set_variable MODULE getModule a $DETECTOR L $STRING $FLOOR JEditDetector a $DETECTOR M $MODULE add $X o $DETECTOR else echo No update of detector $DETECTOR
esac $JPP_BIN JLogger sh $LOGGER until pgrep JGetMessage</dev/null > dev null
const JModule & getModule(const JDetector &detector, const JModuleLocation &location)
find module with a given string and floor number