25 static const double C = 0.299792458;
29 static const double H = 4.13566733e-15;
static const double EULER
Euler number.
static const double PI
Mathematical constants.
Auxiliary methods for light properties of deep-sea water.
static const double SALINITY_SEA_WATER
Salinity of sea water.
static const double R_EARTH_KM
Geophysics constants.
static const double MASS_PHOTON
Particle masses.
static const double ALPHA_ELECTRO_MAGNETIC
Electro-Magnetic coupling constant.
static const double MASS_CHARGED_XI_B
Xi_b^+/- mass [GeV].
static const double MASS_CHARGED_B_C
B_c^+/- mass [GeV].
double getKappaC()
Get average R-dependence of arrival time of Cherenkov light (a.k.a.
static const double MASS_NEUTRAL_SIGMA_C
Sigma_c_0 mass [GeV].
static const double DENSITY_SEA_WATER
Fixed environment values.
static const double MASS_MUON
muon mass [GeV]
static const double MASS_CHARGED_OMEGA
Omega^+/- mass [GeV].
static const double MASS_CHARGED_OMEGA_B
Omega_b^+/- mass [GeV].
static const double TAN_THETA_C_WATER
Derived quantities of optical medium.
static const double DENSITY_ROCK
Density of rock [g/cm^3].
static const double MASS_CHARGED_LAMBDA_C
Lambda_c^+/- mass [GeV].
static const double MASS_ELECTRON
electron mass [GeV]
static const double DENSITY_EARTH
Average density of the Earth [gr/cm³].
static const double MASS_LAMBDA
Lambda mass [GeV].
static const double MASS_TAU_NEUTRINO
tau neutrino mass [GeV]
static const double MASS_DELTA_1232
Delta (1232) mass [GeV].
static const double INDEX_OF_REFRACTION_WATER
Average index of refraction of water corresponding to the group velocity.
static const double HBAR
Planck constant [eV s].
static const double MASS_NEUTRAL_D
D_0 mass [GeV].
static const double MASS_CHARGED_XI
Xi^+/- mass [GeV].
double getIndexOfRefraction()
Get average index of refraction of water corresponding to group velocity.
static const double MASS_CHARGED_XI_C
Xi_c^+/- mass [GeV].
static const double H
Planck constant [eV s].
double getCosThetaC()
Get average cosine of Cherenkov angle of water corresponding to group velocity.
static const double MASS_CHARGED_KAON
K^+/- mass [GeV].
static const double MASS_ELECTRON_NEUTRINO
electron neutrino mass [GeV]
static const double MASS_CHARGED_SIGMA
Sigma^+/- mass [GeV].
static const double MASS_MUON_NEUTRINO
muon neutrino mass [GeV]
static const double MASS_CHARGED_D
D^+/- mass [GeV].
static const double MASS_NEUTRAL_B
B_0 mass [GeV].
static const double MASS_NEUTRAL_LAMBDA_B
Lambda_b^0 mass [GeV].
static const double MASS_TAU
tau mass [GeV]
static const double SIN_THETA_C_WATER
Average sine corresponding to the group velocity.
static const double HBARC
Planck constant [eV m].
static const double MASS_NEUTRAL_RHO
rho_0 mass [GeV]
const double getInverseSpeedOfLight()
Get inverse speed of light.
static const double MASS_CHARGED_SIGMA_C
Sigma_c^+/- mass [GeV].
static const double MASS_CHARGED_RHO
rho^+/- mass [GeV]
double getTanThetaC()
Get average tangent of Cherenkov angle of water corresponding to group velocity.
static const double MASS_NEUTRAL_B_S
B_s^0 mass [GeV].
static const double MASS_NEUTRON
neutron mass [GeV]
static const double X0_WATER_M
Radiation length pure water [m].
static const double MASS_DOUBLYCHARGED_SIGMA_C
Sigma_c^++/– mass [GeV]
static const double MASS_CHARGED_B
B^+/- mass [GeV].
static const double AVOGADRO
Avogadro's number.
static const double MASS_NEUTRAL_PION
pi_0 mass [GeV]
static const double MASS_NEUTRAL_XI_B
Xi_b^0 mass [GeV].
double getSinThetaC()
Get average sine of Cherenkov angle of water corresponding to group velocity.
static const double MASS_NEUTRAL_XI_C
Xi_c_0 mass [GeV].
static const double MASS_CHARGED_D_S
D_s^+/- mass [GeV].
static const double MASS_CHARGED_PION
pi^+/- mass [GeV]
const double getSpeedOfLight()
Get speed of light.
static const double MASS_NEUTRAL_KAON
K_0 mass [GeV].
static const double MASS_NEUTRAL_XI
Xi_0 mass [GeV].
static const double NUCLEON_MOLAR_MASS
nucleon molar mass [g/mol]
double getIndexOfRefractionPhase()
Get average index of refraction of water corresponding to phase velocity.
static const double THETA_MCS
Multiple Coulomb scattering constant [GeV].
static const double C_INVERSE
Inverse speed of light in vacuum [ns/m].
static const double MASS_NEUTRAL_SIGMA
Sigma_0 mass [GeV].
static const double MASS_NEUTRAL_OMEGA_C
Omega_c_0 mass [GeV].
static const double COS_THETA_C_WATER
Average cosine corresponding to the group velocity.
static const double MASS_PROTON
proton mass [GeV]
static const double C
Physics constants.
static const double KAPPA_WATER
Average R-dependence of arrival time of Cherenkov light.
This name space includes all other name spaces (except KM3NETDAQ, KM3NET and ANTARES).