Jpp  19.1.0
the software that should make you happy
JPhysics Directory Reference


file  Antares.hh [code]
 Properties of Antares PMT and deep-sea water.
file [code]
 Auxiliary program to print K40 rates.
file  JAbstractMedium.hh [code]
file  JAbstractPMT.hh [code]
file  JACoeffSource.hh [code]
file [code]
 Program to add 5-dimensional histograms of shower light.
file [code]
 Program to add multi-dimensional histograms of muon light.
file [code]
 Program to add multi-dimensional histograms of shower light.
file [code]
 Auxiliary program to add PDF tables of the arrival time of the Cherenkov light from a muon.
file [code]
 Auxiliary program to add PDF tables of the arrival time of the Cherenkov light from an EM-shower.
file [code]
 Auxiliary program to apply the transition time spread (TTS) of the PMTs to interpolation tables of PDFs.
file  JCDFTable.hh [code]
file  JPhysics/JConstants.hh [code]
 Physics constants.
file [code]
 Demonstration program to plot RMS of arrival time of first hit as a function of the minimal distance of approach of a muon to the PMT.
file [code]
 Auxiliary program to compare PDF tables of the arrival time of the Cherenkov light from a bright point.
file [code]
 Auxiliary program to compare PDF tables of the arrival time of the Cherenkov light from a muon.
file [code]
 Auxiliary program to compare PDF tables of the arrival time of the Cherenkov light from a shower.
file  JDIS.hh [code]
 Deep-inelastic muon-nucleon scattering.
file  JDispersion.hh [code]
file  JDispersionInterface.hh [code]
file [code]
 Auxiliary program to draw PDF of Cherenkov light from bright point.
file [code]
 Auxiliary program to draw PDF of Cherenkov light from EM-shower including shower profile.
file [code]
 Auxiliary program to draw PDF of Cherenkov light from muon.
file [code]
 Auxiliary program to draw PDF of Cherenkov light from EM-shower or scattered light from muon.
file  JGeane.hh [code]
 Energy loss of muon.
file  JGeant.hh [code]
 Photon emission profile EM-shower.
file  JGeant_t.hh [code]
 Base class for photon emission profile EM-shower.
file  JGeanx.hh [code]
 Photon emission profile EM-shower.
file  JGeanz.hh [code]
 Longitudinal emission profile EM-shower.
file [code]
 Program to histogram event-by-event and track-by-track for making PDFs of lights of individual particles.
file [code]
 Program to histogram event-by-event data of muon light for making PDFs.
file [code]
 Program to histogram event-by-event data of shower light for making PDFs.
file  JIonization.hh [code]
file  JK40Rates.hh [code]
file  JLED.hh [code]
file [code]
 Main program to create table of CDFs from table of PDFs for Cherenkov light from muon.
file [code]
 Main program to create table of CDFs from table of PDFs for Cherenkov light from EM-shower.
file [code]
 Program to convert 5-dimensional histograms of shower light to multi-dimensional PDFs.
file [code]
 Program to convert multi-dimensional histograms of muon light to multi-dimensional PDFs.
file [code]
 Program to convert multi-dimensional histograms of shower light to multi-dimensional PDFs.
file [code]
 Program to create interpolation tables of the PDF of the arrival time of the Cherenkov light from a bright point.
file [code]
 Program to create interpolation tables of the PDF of the arrival time of the Cherenkov light from a shower.
file [code]
 Program to create interpolation tables of the PDF of the arrival time of the Cherenkov light from a muon.
file [code]
file [code]
 Program to create interpolation tables of the PDF of the arrival time of the Cherenkov light from a shower.
file [code]
 Program to merge interpolation tables of muon light for PDFs.
file [code]
 Program to merge interpolation tables of shower light for PDFs.
file  JNeutrino.hh [code]
file  JNPE_t.hh [code]
 Auxiliary data structure for muon PDF.
file  JNPETable.hh [code]
file  JPDF.hh [code]
file  JPDF_t.hh [code]
 Auxiliary data structure for muon PDF.
file  JPDFTable.hh [code]
file  JPDFToolkit.hh [code]
 Auxiliary methods for PDF calculations.
file  JPDFTransformer.hh [code]
file  JPDFTypes.hh [code]
 Numbering scheme for PDF types.
file  JPhysicsSupportkit.hh [code]
file  JPhysicsToolkit.hh [code]
 Auxiliary methods for physics calculations.
file [code]
 Program to verify generation of arrival times of Cherenkov photons from a muon using tabulated CDF.
file [code]
 Program to verify generation of arrival times of Cherenkov photons from a shower using tabulated CDF.
file [code]
 Program to plot PDF of Cherenkov light from EM-shower using interpolation tables.
file [code]
 Program to plot PDF of Cherenkov light from bright point using interpolation tables.
file [code]
 Program to plot PDF of Cherenkov light from muon using interpolation tables.
file [code]
 Program to plot PDF of Cherenkov light from EM-shower or scattered light from muon using interpolation tables.
file  JRadiation.hh [code]
 Muon radiative cross sections.
file  JRadiationFunction.hh [code]
file  JRadiationSource.hh [code]
file  JPhysics/JTimeRange.hh [code]
file  KM3NeT.hh [code]
 Properties of KM3NeT PMT and deep-sea water.
file  KM3NeT2D.hh [code]
 Properties of KM3NeT PMT and deep-sea water.