Jpp  19.1.0
the software that should make you happy
Classes | Functions
JMARKOV Namespace Reference


class  JGenerator
 Abstract interface for the generation of points in 3D space. More...
class  JUniformGenerator
 Implementation of the JGenerator interface. More...
class  JBallGenerator
 Implementation of the JGenerator interface. More...
class  JExpRsqInvGenerator
 Implementation of the JGenerator interface. More...
class  JMagicalDistribution
 The 'magical distributions' are a class of distributions. More...
class  JSingularityGenerator
 Implementation of the JGenerator interface. More...
class  JExponentialGenerator
 Implementation of the JGenerator interface. More...
class  JGaussianGenerator
 Implementation of the JGenerator interface. More...
class  JCombinedGenerator
 Implementation of the JGenerator interface. More...
class  JTripleGenerator
 Implementation of the JGenerator interface. More...
class  JShiftedGenerator
 Implementation of the JGenerator interface. More...
class  JHistGenerator
 Implementation of the JGenerator interface. More...
class  JSphereGenerator
 Implementation of the JGenerator interface. More...
class  J3DhistGenerator
 Implementation of the JGenerator interface. More...
class  JMarkovIntegrator
 Abstract base class for calculating the total probability (/m^2 target cross-section) for a photon from the source to hit the target (with a given, fixed number of scatterings) by Monte Carlo sampling the available nscat*3 dimensional phase space. More...
class  JMarkovUniformIntegrator
 In this implementation of the JMarkovIntegrator interface, the sample distribution is a flat distribution. More...
class  JMarkovEnsembleIntegrator
 Abstract base class for implementations of the JMarkovIntegrator interface, where the sample distribution is based on histograms filled from an ensemble of representative paths. More...
class  JMarkovEnsembleIntegrator1D
 Implementation of JMarkovEnsembleIntegrator interface with 1D histograms. More...
class  JMarkovEnsembleIntegrator3D
 This implementation of the JMarkovIntegrator interface generates 'natural' looking paths that might sample the phase space well in some cases. More...
class  JSourceTargetIntegrator
 In this implementation of the JMarkovIntegrator interface, the sample distribution is built up out of three components: More...
class  JExperimentalIntegrator
 In this implementation of the JMarkovIntegrator interface, the sample distribution is built up out of correlated path vertices. More...
class  JMarkovPathGenerator
 The JMarkovPathGenerator generates ensembles of photon paths using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). More...
class  JMarkovPhotonTracker
 The JMarkovPhotonTracker generates ensembles of photon paths by tracking photons from a source to a target. More...
class  JPhotonPath
 A photon path. More...
class  JPhotonPathReader
class  JPhotonPathWriter
class  JScatteringModel
 Virtual base class for a scattering model. More...
class  JSourceModel
 Virtual base class for a light source. More...
class  JIsotropicSource
 Implementation of the JSourceModel class that represents an isotropic source. More...
class  JDirectedSource
 Implementation of the JSourceModel class that represents a directed source with a flat intensity distribution. More...
class  JTargetModel
 Virtual base class for a light detector ("photon target"). More...
class  JPMTTarget
 Implementation of the JTargetModel class that represents a single PMT on a DOM. More...
class  JIsotropicTarget
 Implementation of the JTargetModel class that represents a spherically symmetric target. More...
class  JCosineTarget
 Implementation of the JTargetModel class that represents a directed target with a cos(theta) acceptance. More...
class  JHenyeyGreensteinScattering
 Implementation of the JScatteringModel interface with scattering according to the Henyey-Greenstein function. More...
class  JIsotropicScattering
 Implementation of the JScatteringModel interface with isotropic scattering. More...
class  JRayleighScattering
 Implementation of the JScatteringModel interface with Rayleigh scattering. More...
class  JCombinedScattering
 Implementation of the JScatteringModel interface with that combines two scattering models into one effective model. More...


double getPhotonPathProbabilityDensity (JPhotonPath &p, JSourceModel *src, JScatteringModel *sm, JTargetModel *trg, double lambda_abs)
 Return the probability density for a photon path with the given ingredients. More...

Detailed Description


Function Documentation

◆ getPhotonPathProbabilityDensity()

double JMARKOV::getPhotonPathProbabilityDensity ( JPhotonPath p,
JSourceModel src,
JScatteringModel sm,
JTargetModel trg,
double  lambda_abs 

Return the probability density for a photon path with the given ingredients.

These are

  • a model of the source direction distribution
  • a scattering model
  • a target model
  • the absorption length (note that this is allowed to be +INFTY)

Multiply by dV1, dV2, etc. and the target cross-section sigma to get a probability.

The first (last) vertex of the photon path is used as the source (target) position.

Definition at line 583 of file JScatteringModel.hh.

583  {
584  //const bool verbose = true ;
586  // calculate inverse scattering and absorption lengths
587  const double lambda_scat_inv = 1.0/sm->getScatteringLength() ;
588  double lambda_abs_inv = 0 ;
589  // if the absorption length is not infinite
590  if( lambda_abs == lambda_abs ) lambda_abs_inv = 1.0/lambda_abs ;
592  double rho = 1 ;
593  const int nvert = p.n ; // number of vertices in the path
594  const int nscat = p.n-2 ; // number of scattering vertices in the path
596  //if( verbose ) cout << "$ rho = " << rho << " (before calculating path segment lengths)" << endl ;
598  // calculate path segment lengths
599  // index i corresponds to the path segment connecting
600  // vertex i and vertex i+1
601  double Ltotal = 0 ;
602  vector<double> lengths(nvert-1) ;
603  for( int i=0 ; i<nvert-1 ; ++i ) {
604  lengths[i] = (p[i+1]-p[i]).getLength() ;
605  Ltotal += lengths[i] ;
606  }
608  //if( verbose ) cout << "$ Total length = " << Ltotal << " m" << endl ;
610  // cosine of scattering angles (angle between previous segment and new segment)
611  // index i is the cosine of the angle of segment i+1 w.r.t segment i
612  vector<double> cts(nscat) ;
614  // scattering angles
615  for( int i=0 ; i<nscat ; ++i ) {
616  JDirection3D seg1(p[i+1]-p[i]) ;
617  JDirection3D seg2(p[i+2]-p[i+1]) ;
618  cts[i] = seg1.getDot(seg2) ;
619  }
621  // term for absorption length
622  // (=probability to not be absorbed within Ltotal)
623  rho *= exp(-Ltotal*lambda_abs_inv ) ;
625  //if( verbose ) cout << "$ rho = " << rho << " (after absorption length)" << endl ;
627  // term for emission profile
628  rho *= src->getEmissionProbability( JDirection3D(p[1]-p[0]) ) ;
630  //if( verbose ) cout << "$ rho = " << rho << " (after emission probability)" << endl ;
632  // term for target efficiency
633  if( trg->getRadius()>0 ) {
634  // finite target (spherical), the efficiency is a measure of how good the
635  // target is at a given spot
636  rho *= trg->getEfficiency( JDirection3D(p[nscat+1]-trg->getPosition()) ) ;
637  // this factor accounts for the angle of incidence
638  double ct = JDirection3D(p[nscat]-p[nscat+1]).getDot( JDirection3D(p[nscat+1]-trg->getPosition()) ) ;
639  rho *= max(0.0,ct) ;
641  //if( verbose ) cout << "$ rho = " << rho << " (after target efficiency and angle of incidence)" << endl ;
643  // check whether the photon path hits the sphere
644  // we do not need to consider the last vertex, because if that intersects the sphere
645  // the angle of incidence factor above would be 0.
646  if( p.n>2 ) {
647  JPhotonPath pshort(p) ;
648  pshort.resize( pshort.size()-1 ) ;
649  --pshort.n ;
650  if( pshort.hitsSphere(trg->getPosition(),trg->getRadius()) ) {
651  /*cout << "Path hits sphere at "
652  << JPosition3D(pshort.getSphereHitPosition(trg->getPosition(),trg->getRadius())-trg->getPosition())
653  << endl ;*/
654  rho *= 0 ;
655  }
656  }
657  } else {
658  rho *= trg->getEfficiency( JDirection3D(p[nscat+1]-p[nscat]) ) ;
659  }
661  //if( verbose ) cout << "$ rho = " << rho << " (after target efficiency)" << endl ;
663  // terms for scattering directions
664  for( int i=0 ; i<nscat ; ++i ) {
665  rho *= sm->getScatteringProbability(cts[i]) ;
666  }
668  //if( verbose ) cout << "$ rho = " << rho << " (after scattering directions)" << endl ;
670  // phase space terms for scattering to each of the scattering
671  // vertices
672  // this is the probability/dV to scatter into a volume element
673  // dV at a given distance
674  // (although it is missing the direction-dependent term, which is
675  // the emission probability or scattering probability)
676  for( int i=0; i<nscat; ++i ) {
677  // reminder: lengths[i] is the length from vertex i to vertex i+1
678  rho *= lambda_scat_inv / (lengths[i]*lengths[i]) * exp(-lengths[i]*lambda_scat_inv) ;
679  }
681  //if( verbose ) cout << "$ rho = " << rho << " (after scattering phase space term)" << endl ;
683  // phase space term for scattering to the target
684  // this is the probability/dsigma to hit a target at a given
685  // distance, without scattering along the way
686  rho *= exp(-lengths[nscat]*lambda_scat_inv) / ( lengths[nscat]*lengths[nscat] ) ;
688  //if( verbose ) cout << "$ rho = " << rho << " (after target phase space term)" << endl ;
690  // check for NaN
691  if( rho!=rho ) {
692  cerr << "NaN for probability density" << endl ;
693  cerr << "rho = " << rho << endl ;
694  exit(1) ;
695  }
697  //if( verbose ) cout << "$ rho = " << rho << endl ;
699  return rho ;
700  }
Data structure for direction in three dimensions.
Definition: JDirection3D.hh:35
double getDot(const JAngle3D &angle) const
Get dot product.