84 const double Leff = (min(Lmuon, max(intersection.second, 0.0)) -
85 min(Lmuon, max(intersection.first, 0.0)));
90 const double Emidpoint =
E, Lmuon/2.0);
93 const double dEc = Leff /
96 Evis = dEb + dEc + dEd;
162 Vec Evis(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
Definition of particle types.
Data structure for circle in two dimensions.
Data structure for vector in two dimensions.
virtual double getE(const double E, const double dx) const override
Get energy of muon after specified distance.
double getEb(const double E, const double dx) const
Get energy loss due to pair production and bremsstrahlung.
virtual double getX(const double E0, const double E1) const override
Get distance traveled by muon.
JAxis3D getAxis(const Trk &track)
Get axis.
double getKineticEnergy(const Trk &trk)
Get track kinetic energy.
bool is_finalstate(const Trk &track)
Test whether given track corresponds to a final state particle.
bool is_neutrino(const Trk &track)
Test whether given track is a neutrino.
bool is_muon(const Trk &track)
Test whether given track is a (anti-)muon.
static const double R_EARTH_KM
Geophysics constants.
double getDeltaRaysFromMuon(const double E, const JRange< double > T_GeV=JRange< double >(DELTARAY_TMIN, DELTARAY_TMAX))
Equivalent EM-shower energy due to delta-rays per unit muon track length.
static const double MASS_MUON
muon mass [GeV]
static const JGeaneWater gWater
Function object for energy loss of muon in sea water.
double getSinThetaC()
Get average sine of Cherenkov angle of water corresponding to group velocity.
double geanc()
Equivalent muon track length per unit shower energy.
This name space includes all other name spaces (except KM3NETDAQ, KM3NET and ANTARES).
const JCylinder3D getMaximumContainmentVolume()
Auxiliary function to retrieve the maximum cylindrical containment volume.
double getVisibleEnergy(const Evt &evt, const JCylinder3D &can=getMaximumContainmentVolume())
Get the visible energy vector of an event.
Vec getVisibleEnergyVector(const Evt &evt, const JCylinder3D &can=getMaximumContainmentVolume())
Get the visible energy vector of an event.
static const JPythia pythia
Function object for relative light yield as a function of GEANT particle code.
This file contains converted Fortran code from km3.
The Evt class respresent a Monte Carlo (MC) event as well as an offline event.
std::vector< Trk > mc_trks
MC: list of MC truth tracks.
static const JPDB & getInstance()
Get particle data book.
The cylinder used for photon tracking.
The Trk class represents a Monte Carlo (MC) particle as well as a reconstructed track/shower.
int type
MC: particle type in PDG encoding.
double E
Energy [GeV] (either MC truth or reconstructed)
The Vec class is a straightforward 3-d vector, which also works in pyroot.