1 #ifndef __RUNANALYZER__
2 #define __RUNANALYZER__
16 using namespace KM3NETDAQ ;
17 using namespace JDETECTOR ;
18 using namespace JLANG ;
59 numberOfTimeslices (nTimeslices),
60 numberOfSummaryslices (nSummaryslices),
61 numberOfEvents (nEvents)
67 cerr <<
"FATAL ERROR. Could not open detector file '" << detectorFile <<
"'." << endl;
89 while (scanner.hasNext()) {
93 histograms.h_trigger.h_Snapshot_hits -> Fill((Double_t) event.size<
JDAQSnapshotHit > ());
94 histograms.h_trigger.h_Triggered_hits -> Fill((Double_t) event.size<
JDAQTriggeredHit> ());
95 histograms.h_trigger.h_Number_of_overlays -> Fill(event.getOverlays());
99 if (event.hasTriggerBit(i)) {
101 histograms.h_trigger.h_Trigger_bit_event -> Fill((Double_t) i);
109 if (router->hasModule(hit->getModuleID())) {
111 const JModule& module = router->getModule (hit->getModuleID());
113 histograms.h_trigger.h_pmt_distribution_triggered_hits->Fill(hit->getPMT());
114 histograms.h_trigger.h_tot_distribution_triggered_hits->Fill(hit->getToT());
119 histograms.h_trigger.h_Triggered_hits_per_module -> Fill(String , Floor);
123 if (hit -> hasTriggerBit(i)) {
125 histograms.h_trigger.h_Trigger_bit_hit->Fill((Double_t) i);
129 FATAL(
"JModuleRouter trying to access non existing identifier: "<< hit->getModuleID());
135 if (router->hasModule(hit->getModuleID())) {
137 const JModule& module = router->getModule (hit->getModuleID());
141 int pmt = hit-> getPMT();
143 (*histograms.h_trigger.m_Snapshot_hits_per_pmt)[
"Detector/DU" +
to_string(String))] -> Fill(pmt, Floor);
144 histograms.h_trigger.h_Snapshot_hits_per_module -> Fill(String, Floor);
145 histograms.h_trigger.h_pmt_distribution_snapshot_hits -> Fill(hit->getPMT());
146 histograms.h_trigger.h_tot_distribution_snapshot_hits -> Fill(hit->getToT());
149 FATAL(
"JModuleRouter trying to access non existing identifier: "<< hit->getModuleID());
166 while (scanner.hasNext()){
170 for (JDAQSummaryslice::const_iterator frame = slice.begin() ; frame != slice.end() ; ++ frame) {
172 if (router->hasModule(frame->getModuleID())) {
174 const JModule& module = router->getModule (frame->getModuleID());
186 histograms.h_summary.h_hrv_per_dom->Fill(
string , floor);
190 histograms.h_summary.h_daq_status_per_dom->Fill(
string , floor);
193 histograms.h_summary.h_fifo_per_dom->Fill(
string , floor , nFIFOcount);
200 h2->Fill(i , frame->getRate(i) * 1e-3);
202 rate += frame->getRate(i);
203 histograms.h_summary.h_pmt_rate_distribution->Fill(frame->getRate(i)*1e-3);
204 PMT_rate_quantiles[string][floor-1][i].put(frame->getRate(i)*1e-3);
207 histograms.h_summary.h_dom_rate_distribution->Fill(rate*1e-3);
209 DOM_rate_quantiles[string].resize(modulesPerString);
211 DOM_rate_quantiles[string][floor-1].put(rate * 1e-3);
214 FATAL(
"JModuleRouter trying to access non existing identifier: "<< frame->getModuleID());
218 for (
int ,
vector<JQuantile> >::const_iterator i = DOM_rate_quantiles.begin() ; i!= DOM_rate_quantiles.end() ; ++i) {
220 for (
int j=1 ;
j < modulesPerString + 1 ;
j++) {
222 if (i->second[
j-1].getCount() > 0) histograms.h_summary.h_rate_summary->Fill(i->first,
j, i->second[
228 for (
int j=0 ;
j < modulesPerString ;
234 (*histograms.h_summary.m_mean_summary_rate) [
"Detector/DU" +
j+1, i->second[
235 (*histograms.h_summary.m_mean_summary_rate_distribution)[
"Detector/DU" +
to_string(i->first))]->Fill( i->second[
255 double inverseFrameTimeSec = 1. / (1.0e-9 *
257 while (scanner.hasNext()){
259 T slice = *(scanner.next());
261 for(
auto & frame : slice) {
262 if (router->hasModule(frame.getModuleID())) {
264 const JModule& module = router->getModule (frame.getModuleID());
265 double rate = frame.numberOfHits * inverseFrameTimeSec;
269 DOM_rate_quantiles[string][floor].put(rate);
277 h2 -> Fill(hit->getPMT() , hit->getToT()) ;
279 pmt_hit_count[hit->getPMT()]++;
285 (*histograms.h_timeslice.m_pmt_rate_distributions[ts_type])[
"Detector/DU" +
string) +
"/F" +
to_string(floor))] -> Fill(
pmt , 1e-3 * pmt_hit_count[
pmt] * inverseFrameTimeSec);
290 FATAL(
"JModuleRouter trying to access non existing identifier: "<< frame.getModuleID());
299 if (
j->second.getCount() > 0) histograms.h_timeslice.h_dom_mean_rates[ts_type] -> Fill (i->first ,
j->first ,
j->second.getMean() ) ;
313 if (scanner.hasNext()) {
314 histograms.initialize_summary_histograms();
316 iterateSummarysliceTree(scanner);
330 if(scanner.hasNext()) {
332 histograms.initialize_timeslice_histograms <
334 iterateTimesliceTree(scanner);
348 if(scanner.hasNext()) {
350 histograms.initialize_trigger_histograms();
352 iterateEventTree(scanner);
*fatal Wrong number of arguments esac JCookie sh JRuns D $DETECTOR d sort n k
JLimit_t numberOfSummaryslices
JRA_Histograms histograms
void iterateEventTree(JTreeScanner< JDAQEvent > &scanner)
ROOT TTree parameter settings.
static const unsigned int NUMBER_OF_TRIGGER_BITS
Number of trigger bits.
void iterateSummarysliceTree(JTreeScanner< JDAQSummaryslice > &scanner)
int countFIFOStatus() const
Count FIFO status.
JLimit_t numberOfTimeslices
int getFloor() const
Get floor number.
Data structure for a composite optical module.
RunAnalyzer(string file, string detectorFile, JLimit_t nTimeslices, JLimit_t nSummaryslices, JLimit_t nEvents)
Router for direct addressing of module data in detector data structure.
then set_variable singlesRate set_variable doublesRate set_variable numberOfSlices echo Generating random background echo Singles rate
Dynamic ROOT object management.
void iterateTimesliceTree(JTreeScanner< T > &scanner)
JTDC_t getT() const
Get time.
Template definition for direct access of elements in ROOT TChain.
#define MAKE_STRING(A)
Make string.
esac $JPP_DIR examples JDetector JTransitTime o $OUTPUT_FILE n N $NPE T $TTS_NS d $DEBUG for HISTOGRAM in tts tt2 pmt
Auxiliary class for defining the range of iterations of objects.
Class dedicated to the analysis of KM3NeT runs.
double getFrameTime()
Get frame time duration.
JRA_Histograms getHistograms()
void load(const JString &file_name, JDetector &detector)
Load detector from input file.
static const JStringCounter getNumberOfStrings
Function object to count unique strings.
Scanning of objects from multiple files according a format that follows from the extension of each fi...
Direct access to module in detector data structure.
int getString() const
Get string number.
int countHighRateVeto() const
Count high-rate veto status.
General purpose string class.
std::string to_string(const T &value)
Convert value to string.
int getCount(const T &hit)
Get hit count.
Indexing of data type in type list.
static const int NUMBER_OF_PMTS
Total number of PMTs in module.
bool testDAQStatus() const
Test DAQ status of packets.
int getNumberOfModules(const JDetector &detector)
Get number of modules.
Default constructor.